i really want to get a 180 gallon tank for this grorp of fish but im wondering if I should get a 210 or 240 for this group and maybe 4-5 other fish: springeri pseudochromis, fridiman pseudochromis, neon dottyback, royal gramma, arc eye hawkfish, cuban hogfish, black cap basslet, queen/emperor angel, naso/naso blonde tang, reed sea sailfin tang, flame hawkfish, flame angel, coral beauty, lemonpeel angel, auriga butterflyfish, princess parrot fish, 2 gold head sleeper gobies, a purple firefish, and 2 percula clowns.
also, is it at all possible to keep 2 large angels in the same tank and would any of these fish eat or fight with eachother in a 180-240 gallon tank?
also, is it at all possible to keep 2 large angels in the same tank and would any of these fish eat or fight with eachother in a 180-240 gallon tank?