How big of a water change


I've been posting a few questions regarding a used tank I purchased but have yet to pick up. I am ugrading to a 180 from a 55. Today I took a sample of the water from the 180 home and tested it. The nitrates were through the roof. My test shows the more red the color the higher the nitrates. It only goes to 160. Also, I'm supposed to let set for 5 minutes to let the color develop. Once I shook it for 1 minute it was already well above the 160 reading. Is it possible for too big of a water change to cause another cycle. I was thinking of doing a 75% water change before introducing anything to the tank. Please let me know if this is too extreme, or if I should even do more.


The kit's still good. The person said she's been neglecting the tank because of two newborns, she doesn't remember the last time she did a water change, and the flow in the 180 is only 1200gph. The same test shows the trates in my tank at 0. I believe they truely are that high.


Active Member
if it was mine I would do about 30% a week until they come down..anymore than that and you may cause a new cycle IMO


it wont cause another cycle unless you disturb the sandbed or expose a sponge or something to air that can die from it. The bacteria that a CYCLE produces isnt in the water column but on and in the rocks and sand.


Thanks for the replies. My concern is that I will be seeding new sand with the sand in my current 55. I'm replacing her CC. This will include some sand sifting snails and a sand sifting cucumber. I'm worried about exposing my inverts to this high of nitrates.
I swear, the result of the test looks live a vile of blood, I have no idea how high the nitrates are.


what test kits are you useing. You may have a LFS that might have a higher range do a test on the water just to see how high they truely are.


Yeah, I should probably do that, but I'm not sure I really want to know
. JK, thanks for the advice, I will do that on Monday. Actually, by how dark it is, my guess is they are around 200.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Are there fish in this tank currently?(the 180?)

Yes, believe it or not, she has a maroon clown, a couple of damsels a sohal tang, a clarki and a couple of others that I can't remember. She even has a few polyps and a couple of shrooms. There are also a few snails, but she said most have died off (wonder why!!!).


Originally Posted by briandg
Yeah, I should probably do that, but I'm not sure I really want to know
. JK, thanks for the advice, I will do that on Monday. Actually, by how dark it is, my guess is they are around 200.
At this point it realy doesn't matter what is in the tank. Do 50% water changes. The nitrates are TOXIC!!! Doing small changes are not gong to do anything. Can you perhaps move the living things in the 180 to your 55 and do an overhaul on this tank? The CC needs to come out asap. You can then add new sand and seed your 55 sand in later.


I assumed it was empty!! yikes and you have purchased this tank already?
what do you have in your 55 right now and do you have room for those fish in there till you get the 180 setup and ready again?


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I assumed it was empty!! yikes and you have purchased this tank already?
what do you have in your 55 right now and do you have room for those fish in there till you get the 180 setup and ready again?
Maybe I read wrong, but why would the water still be in there? If there is nothing in this 180, then drain the ENTIRE tank out. Dump The cc and start this tank over with sand. Again, you can add your 55 sand later.


I have been amazed at how many people loose interest and allow the tank just to sit there. I picked up a 20 gallon that was only 1/2 full of water the algae dryed on the sides and the people said well the last fish died about 6 months ago and we just didnt want to even mess with it anymore!!!
I have seen and heard that way to many times. so I assumed something that was totally WRONG



I purchased the tank already, it was a good deal regardless of the fish, but she is including them. I am not able to pick up the tank for about 4 weeks because we are changing carpet before setting it up. So she still has it. I forgot to mention, she even has an anenome in it. I know it sounds bad, but it was a good deal. I just need to figure out how to get the conditions at least liveable, then I will work on making them good. I have a 55 and planned on moving her more aggressive fish like the tang to my 55 and moving some of mine over to hers and slowly reintroducing hers. But that was before I took a sample of water home and tested it. That's why I was wondering if a 75% water change would be possible without causing a crash. I need to get the trates down to a liveable condition before adding anything, especially the fish that I've carefully raised the past year. I would love to get the coral out immediately, but she is doing me a favor by keeping the tank until I get carpet, and I doubt she will be willing to do much to improve the conditions during this time. The other option I thought of, is taking all of her fish to a pet store for either store credit or if they won't do this, just give them to the store. Then I could set the tank up at my house, change out the cc to sand. Leave my tank as is, and after I get hers to acceptable levels make the change.
I really liked the tang and hoped on keeping it, but I think this might be the best alternative.
I forgot to add, she also has an anenome. She must have some tough corals and fish to still be alive.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I have been amazed at how many people loose interest and allow the tank just to sit there. I picked up a 20 gallon that was only 1/2 full of water the algae dryed on the sides and the people said well the last fish died about 6 months ago and we just didnt want to even mess with it anymore!!!
I have seen and heard that way to many times. so I assumed something that was totally WRONG

WOW, realy? All of the people I have delt with have still had fish in their tanks, that's why I assumed there was still fish in this one. I have had people with ammonia well past dark green, nitrates that turned the vial Black!!!!!! They still kept the fish in there. Abusive fish owners!!!Ugh! Always made me mad!!!


Maybe I should post the fish in the classified section and allow for pickup at her house in Atlanta. At least I would know that the fish would be taken care of properly. I don't know if she'd be thrilled about that, but the tank is mine now, so I imagine she would let me do this.


I was also suprised to see her ammonia was at 0. I expected it to be up there too. I haven't even tested any of the other parameters yet, because I know with the trates the water is not suitable anyway.
But I know I don't want to put my fish in the tank. I have a small 55 gal and no sump. But have been diligent in keeping the tank up and have great tests, finally got my trates to 0 :). That is the frustrating thing. But the tank was a good deal, and I know a year from now I'll be glad I purchased it.
I asked her about her trates because she said it had been awhile since she did a water change. She said she thought they were ok, but were probably getting close to borderline. If this is borderline, I'd hate to see what she considers too high!!!