How big of tank for Flame Angel?

I agree......minimum of 30 G's although LR is not totally required it is recommended. I have had success with a flame Angel without live rock. Plenty of nooks and crannies for hidding is a must.


I have had a Flame for six weeks now and all he does is graze on the live rock, form my reading on this fish put some live rock in his tank, and i would say 30G and up would be fine!


Active Member
Flame Angel's are actually quite easy to keep. If they survive in your tank over the first four weeks of introduction they pretty much will be with you for a while (provided it wasn't captured using cyanide).
I have had one for 6 months in a tank with a number of ocellaris clowns, damsels, tangs, urchins, crabs, snails and 55 lbs of LR. I would say that if you have a quality filter and some alage covered rock (whether LR or simply grown over) these fish do great.
I feed mine Formula One flake almost exclusively (and some algae in a clip twice a week) none of my fish like frozen or brine shrimp anymore.