How big should I buid it???


Active Member
OK all in the new house I am building a basement sump/wet/dry and regugium for my first floor 72 bow display tank. I allready havet he wet/dry 30 gallon and my sump about 40 total.
Now to buiding the refugium. How big would you all say to make it. I have a DB that is hard on my pod population. Issue is that my wife has always wanted a Mandarin, I like them too, but never have chanced getting one.
Soooooooo how big a one do I need to build to feed these two pod eaters??? Thanks all.... Warren
forgot to say tank had about 115 punds of well aged LR

al mc

Active Member
I would make a 3' x 5' sump/refugium with about 100# LR, a four inch deep sand bed with chaeto. Build it on a 4'x8' platform. I would check out if you have not done a DYI acrylic sump. Lots of advice and step by step icture directions for sump/refugiums of different sizes.