how 'bout a pictures thread?


I was thinking; wouldn't it be great if there were a string of posts where everyone placed links to their pictures of their tanks? Many of us who are setting up tanks would like to see what others' setups are and get some ideas. IMO it would be a great help and something interesting for us to all look at. That way we wouldn't have to hunt through all the posts to find pictures.
I also wanted to express my thanks to the administrators of this board for providing a fun and extremely educational arena to us swf keepers...not to mention the fact that it's free!


Active Member
heres my <a href="" target="_blank">web page</a>
That would be a nice idea to have. It would give people ideas on what they want to set-up and what corals/fish they would like to buy. Everyone new want to do the best job he/she wants to do, and by looking at what other successful people have/do, they will do the same and have a great tank like that person. Also, if you already have a tank with corals and such, it will still be very interesting to look at others tanks and see what they did. I always love others tanks and most of the time, i immatate what they have done. But, if could make anything else, they would have to make a PIC forum,or a lounge(A.K.A. off topic forum). I would say the pic forum first, the lounge isnt really a place to learn, just a place to hang out time to time. The pic forum would be a very educational forum for everyone, new and old. I hope my opinion helped a bit. :)


New Member
My tank has only been up for five days, but I put some pictures up allready.
<a href="" target="_blank">Tusken's Reef</a>


tusken, nice pics! i like the final results! question: what kind of powerhead is that? i'm setting up a 55 FO,looking for a decent powerhead for current. -angelofdeath132


Active Member
Hey tusken those pics are great I was wondering where you got your rock and is it fiji or something else. And angel maxi jet power heads are a great choice. I have ran a lot of people who like them. Just my thoughts though.


Active Member
No one mentioned Ruaround's pictures, so I will. Nice start to a reef. Looks good. I noticed 2 yellow tangs, an undulate trigger, and a velvet damsel in the 55 FOWLR, then I noticed a 55 start to a reef, and wasn't sure if it was the same tank. If it was, what happened to the fishies, I only saw a yellow-tail damsel.
Nice pics Tusken. I didn't have a chance to add, how much LR was that total. It looks good.


Active Member
Thanks Demo...These are 2 completely different tanks...The fishes are still alive and thriving :D !


Active Member
Originally posted by Tusken:
Nice tank ruaround im really jealousyou have fish in yours!</strong><hr></blockquote>
TY!!! :D I dig on your set ups as well!!! Gonna be nice when theyre finished...


This is a great idea--nice tanks to everyone!!!
It is nice to see what you all have.
1.) Tuscon I think maybe you should be the one to show pics from the very beginning to the final result. That will help out alot of newbies like me--give um some hope ya know what I mean (such a slow process) Maybe have your own thread--you know we all would check it out!!
2.) How do you post your pics to a website (don't laugh) I got a scanner, do I just scan, put in a folder, and say where to go? I just dont want to mess up and have a useless link. I go through Epson, does anyone else?
Again, nice thread---lets keep it up!


New Member
Hey I agree looks like a great start man. I woudnt mind knwoing how to put up pics too. I have a digital camera with quite a few differant pics loaded on my PC, but how do I send them to this MB. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Hey need to get web space some how...if youre on aol or msn they offer you your own home page. The pics need to have thier own URL. There are many different sites out there that also offer free web space, the only thing is you have to have their sponsors ads, and pop ups on your page...small price to pay for free space. Once you get space you can post your pics. Any ques just ask, there are a ton of peeps willing to help ya with this. I learned from a member on this board :D (thanx Dave)...had to give him props :D ...HTH
I looked at other peoples web sites for quality and fast load. I tried a few and picked the one that was easiest for me to use....I ended up at MSN. Site was free, can load quite a few pictures, can have more than one album, can delete an album or add to an album with relative ease. Check out my site.


Here are a few pictures of my 55gallon reef it has been up for about a year now. Doesn't look like much but I am learning and it is coming along.

full view

left side


right side


Thank you. I clean the glass every couple days. Also the DSB isn't very old. Thank you once again for the kind words.


I finally got my stuff together and started putting it online....even though I should have done so right after I started this thread.
Here is<a href="" target="_blank">my tank</a>

nm reef

Active Member
I love to enjoy the eye candy of ya'alls systems. My web site link in my signature takes you to pics of my reef and there is a link to additional pics on webshots. Below are a few views of my reef taken on 04/07/02....not the best quality but they give you a good idea of what I look at every day...*_^
