How bout a "tank of the month"


Active Member
ok so there's another site that has a tank of the month, what do you guys think of having a tank of the month, I think it'd be fun and something to strive for


that sounds like a good idea to me and sounds like something fun to try and get your tank to look good


Active Member
I believe in the past that one of the main reasons that it was not done was to further distinguish this board from the other one. Another reason cited as to why we dont do a TOTM is out of the possibility that doing so would create competition. I see where they are coming from on that one, I don't necissarily think that it would be a problem, but I can see where they get it.
One of the best things about this board is that direct flaming and bickering is not tolerated. The other board smolders sometimes there is so much flaming going on. Not here though and no need to introduce an idea that could potentially create such a situation.


Active Member
I don't see why a TOTM would cause competition with the other forum, its just a award given to a worth tank, its not like we're competing with the other board, I also don't see why it would cause flaming either


Active Member
Its not a matter of competition with the other board, its the idea of a competition between members to achieve such status. IMO that is not always the best way to foster a positive learning environment.


Active Member

Originally posted by 007
Its not a matter of competition with the other board, its the idea of a competition between members to achieve such status. IMO that is not always the best way to foster a positive learning environment.

what the hell's the difference in a TOTM and a photo contest, everyone's playing nice in the photo contest so why should we assume that it'd be any more competition with a different type contest


im w/zane.
And this is just an internet websight it doesnt really matter how the "learning"environment is online, sry bud this isnt school jus a board


I'm with zane...if someone cannot handle their tank envy then I don't think we'll miss them. If they are lame about that, chances are they are lame to begin with.

nm reef

Active Member
I've always thought it was a good idea ... but there are things to consider before such a task was attempted. First and foremost would be documentation and photography of the selected tank. It just seems to me that there would be a lot of potential expense involved. The other sites rely on budgets provided via advertisements and this site is soley supported by the business end of there would be little to zero budget for providing a TOTM that could compare to the efforts of other sites.
There may be ways to promote/document/photograph a TOTM for us...but I don't see it falling into place anytime soon.
Believe me this idea has been considered and discussed several times...I do like the idea...but there would be a lot more involved in putting together a TOTM than there is with the current photo contest.:thinking: