How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

darthtang aw

Active Member
Journey I agree with you about the butts. It is a "dirty" habit and should be done properly as with anythging else. but it is no different than the non-smoker throwing out a candy wrapper. Both are wrong.
I disagree with toitally taking away the choice. much of the debate even went as far as to banning smoking outside....
Smoking is an addiction just as strong as heroin. Scientifically proven. Yet the heroin addict receives more sympathy from the general populace than the cig smoker. That is another thing that bothers me.
Crimzy, I wouldn't give you one. I never give out cigarettes even to other smokers as I will only contribute to my addiction and not someone' elses.


My husband and I quit Oct 1 of 2007. It was the best but hardest thing we have done.
I would still LOVE to light one up so I totally feel for all the smokers.