How can calurpa grow?


Active Member
I was checking out my overflow box today and the skimmer box had what looked to be grape calurpa growing in it.... it's a neat surprise for sure. I have never put calurpa in that tank and the person who sold it to me didnt have any plants in there at the time.
I'm wondering if it could be something else besides grape calurpa.. does any other macroalgae look similar?


Dude in my emporer 400 I have caulupra the fan stuff grwoing on the overflow part. It's not in my tank anywhere. wierd stuff. thinking about throwing some in my FOWLR. Tank has been up a year and a half and it just popped out of nowhere


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Maybe bubble algae. It would be a very dark green and hard.

Nah :) I know what that is. It's JUST like grape calurpa... except like the other person...... I have never had any :) musta been some seeds or somethin in the liverock.............. or something........


Active Member
LR can pop up with all kinds of cool stuff if you don't have a lot of herbivores.


Active Member
It's crazy how its not even on the liverock though.. its only in the skimmer box.
I just got a bunch (10 or so) snails and a lawnmower.... none of my 'algae crew' does much of a job on the algae.. lazy sons of ...........
Upon closer inspection im wondering if maybe it's not mermaids cup (if thats the correct name).. it's hard to tell... its one or the other for sure.. im afraid to take any out cause im sure its doing a good job in there. That tank (my 55) has zero nitrates. Yet my 46 thats algae-free has got nitrates up the ying-yang (mostly due to bio-balls that are being taken out).
Anyways.. im happy.... about what.. I dont even know.