how can i get a slew of copepods?


i have a 40 gal FOWLR that i would like to house 1 mandarin goby in at some point in the future. what would be the most efficient route of ramping up a healthy, self sufficient and replenishing community of copepods to feed my future tie-dye amigo?

jimmy 4

you can buy them in bulk. There is no way your tank could be self sufficient. Maybe you could set up a separate tank with some macro algae and only have pods in it.


Active Member
If you have a huge fuge, then your tank would be ok. But a 40 is a little small. I had one that cleaned out my 38 in about 1.5 months before he got moved to another tank. (When I bought him, I knew he wasn't going to stay in there and already had another home)


so ill have to buy them? how are they stored, and how long will one "batch" last for one mandarin?


Active Member
I have heard to be prepared to spend about $75 a week (approx 3 bags). I do not know how accurate this is but they go through pods like mad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wpost2
so ill have to buy them? how are they stored, and how long will one "batch" last for one mandarin?
You can buy them refridgerated. They are usually about 300 to a bottle (they are very small). That would last a mandarin about a day and a half. The bottles cost about $8.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
You can buy them refridgerated. They are usually about 300 to a bottle (they are very small). That would last a mandarin about a day and a half. The bottles cost about $8.
That is definitely cheaper but still about $40 a week. I may get one in the future but only if I can culture my own pods.