how can i increase green algae?


Active Member
I think adding seaweed selects or something similar would be better than having a algae problem.

david s

congrats cody on no green algie that is a good thing be careful what you ask for as when the green algie shows up it can be a battle to get rid of. I would get some dulse it is like kelp or seaweed you put on a clip all them herbivores love it


definatley go with the seaweed selects or you will end up with a fungal bloom like my friend is having a heck of a time battling


i'm sorry folks!!:rolleyes: i just read on most of the critters in my tank, that they eat green algae and i was worried i wouldnt have enough food for them w/o any green algae on my live rock. i try not to overfeed my fish, so i'm afraid the crabs and shrimp arent getting any food. i noticed two sets of crab legs floating on the bottom of the tank already.


and as far as the seaweed select, foxy brown eats it all before anyone can get any. pretty soon, she isnt going to be so foxy!!?


Active Member
^simply stated.
You can leave ur lights on longer or even get higher voltage. Believe it or not htey sell algae 'growing kits'... they are little pill looking things that you place in your tank and it somehow increases ur algae. Also, add lettuce to ur tank, that's a tall tale but its said to add algae too. THis may help ur growth but will also help feed ur fish a healthy diet. I wouldn't go drastic and change things like redcorsair suggested (redcorsair is absolutely right but if you go that far u may never be able to come back)... the dark side is known to be uncontrollable, something you are attempting to do.


Active Member
Green Algea...
I believe he was refering to green Macro Algea, Calurpa, etc....not the, etc...


Active Member

Originally posted by cody57
i try not to overfeed my fish, so i'm afraid the crabs and shrimp arent getting any food. i noticed two sets of crab legs floating on the bottom of the tank already.

The crab legs may just been from a molt I noticed crab legs on my sand bed and thought my hermit was dead but later on I saw him climbing up some rocks. :eek:



Originally posted by logan15
The crab legs may just been from a molt I noticed crab legs on my sand bed and thought my hermit was dead but later on I saw him climbing up some rocks. :eek:

That's exactly what I've exeperienced in my tank


They will spend most of their day grazing algae that grows on live rock. They should not be kept with other Angels.


Active Member
Patience, patience, patience....the algae will come. Angels should be put in well established tanks, 6 months or longer so there is enough algae for them.