How can I make her stop?


Active Member
What application do you use for your mailbox? I use MS Outlook and a free app called "SpamBayes". I teach it what emails I don't want and it filters them out. I can then look in the junk folder and accept what I want. Once again it is free.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
It's a mac, so I don't have outlook.
I don't think Spambayes will work, but I am sure there are similar apps out there for the Mac. If you mark her spam, it gives you the option of looking at her mail when you want to.
I do it with my cousin.


Originally Posted by Scotts
2 e-mail addresses, one for your mom and one for the rest of the world.
I pmed you back BTW (late), But that's a great idea!! I'm about to get a new addy with this move. I'll give her THAT one!


Active Member
Start sending her all of your other spam email to teach her a lesson. Maybe she will find a good deal on Vi-agra, mort-gage rates, or printing ink cartridges.
You probably didn't want the Vi-agra vision in your head....


Active Member
Oh, god, I know exactly how you feel! My father has recently been teaching my mother how to use the computer and now she is email happy! I get at least 5 a day from her and most of the stuff she forwards already made the rounds years ago!


Active Member
Another idea...I have a family friend in his 50s that is email happy. From the beeps on my blackberry I know when he is online because I will get 6 or 7 emails in a row from him, its like he forwards everything in his inbox.
Anyways a theory that I am working out right now that seems to have slowed him down is This website if you don't know investigates these myth emails and will tell you if they are true or not. So on the "Kid napped child" or "Obama is Muslim working for Bin Laden" emails, I look it up on copy and paste the URL and send it back to him stating he can rest assured that the lost child is a hoax or Obama is a Christian.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SigmaChris
Another idea...I have a family friend in his 50s that is email happy. From the beeps on my blackberry I know when he is online because I will get 6 or 7 emails in a row from him, its like he forwards everything in his inbox.
Anyways a theory that I am working out right now that seems to have slowed him down is This website if you don't know investigates these myth emails and will tell you if they are true or not. So on the "Kid napped child" or "Obama is Muslim working for Bin Laden" emails, I look it up on copy and paste the URL and send it back to him stating he can rest assured that the lost child is a hoax or Obama is a Christian.
Thats an awsome way to combat it . I hate it when somebody does that to me and I get every cute and funny email they get . Not everybody thinks its cute or funny . The emails about terrorists and virus just get old too.


My mother does that too. I have two separate email addresses. One I hardly ever check, that is the one that she has, and my regular one. I have to. I don't want to block her emails, nor do I want to receive all of the forwarded messages. She forwards everything.


be happy it's email - my brother taught my mother how to text message however, she sends her text messages like she's writing shorthand!! i'll get one text from her that will have 8 questions in it and NO vowels!!!


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Just ignore them

Well now honestly, who could ignore an email from mom. I know the first one I delete without reading, she'll ask me about on the phone.

And they all forward to my phone automatically. Which is the biggest bother.
I like the other addy idea.

She already knows about snopes. She forwards me emails that pertain to them also.

al mc

Active Member
Same problem with my father. Forwards me all kinds of holistic cures for every known ailment known to man or beast. I just delete them and tell him that my internet provider has an aggressive spam filter that allows no 'forwarded mail'. one tell is working like a charm so far

When that fails I am hiring 'Crashes' ninjas.