how can i make my water condition better without increasing my alge?

brad pitt

my water condition is very good. i have just a little nitrite i try everything but it wont go away. and i also want to add an anemone what should i add to my water? please give me info


Active Member
could be a messed up reading, try bringing it somewhere else to be tested to be certain. Nitrite is bad even in small amounts. What is your nitrate and ammonia.....i would think that if there is nitrite then there should be some ammonia and nitrate in there also..... but maybe im wrong.
how long has ur tank been set up too?

brad pitt

ive tested it somewhere elso too they said the same results
my ammonia is 0 and nitrate is 0 its just the nitrite that is about 40 out of 200.


Active Member
What all is in your tank?
What filters?
Nitrites should convert over to nitrates. What tests are you using? Take it somewhere else.