how can i raise my ph without raiseing my alk.


my ph is 8.15 and my alk is 17 dkh. or is this good? i think my test for alk. reads in mg/l so i have to convert it into dkh .............
50 mg/l or ppm = 1 meq/l = 2.8 dkh
is this right?


Active Member
Sorry, I may have missread your post..a Meq/L of 2.8 would be a touch low, but I see now you were using that as part of conversion...
With 400-410 calcium, I'd be looking for around 7 dkh...or 2.5 meq/l
But overall I'd shoot for a 3-3.5 Meq/l (8.4 to 9.7 dkh) and 420 -430 calcium...
So yes, at 17 dkh (if test is right) you are a bit high on alk...


Active Member
Water changes will reduce and balance levels, but the question is...How did it get so high...?
What's your dosing schedule like ...what products/methods are you using...?


Active Member
I bet you've been tossing all kinds of alk buffers to raise the pH...??
Don't do that... 8.1 is really not bad...


i am useing seachem reef buffer to raise the PH . i test it .dose acordingly. wait a few days and test it again and dose if needed.