how can i speed up cycle time


125 gal tall
pro-clear 150 wet dry with protien skimmer
130 watt 10k
130 watt blue light
130 50/50
FO tank maybe some live rock (bio/appearance reason)
I know I can purchase live sand/coral for wet/dry is this a good option
What about a dozen Mollys (was told they could acculmate to saltwater) and handle chem changes well than after a period of time add a lion fish after cycle has started and Nitrites are on the down and getting some Nitrates (one at LFS (been there almost two years 8" long for $30.00) I am sure that slowly over a period of time the Mollys will be gone and I will have a 125 gal with a fat lion.


Staff member
Live sand and live rock is the best thing you can use to cycle and all out best for natural filters. Don't use fish to cycle.


I was into salt water tanks till about ten years ago but can't I put the live sand in the sump of the wet/dry filter. How much live sand should I use? I really want to use black sand for the bottom. The tank is in black box (custom made) bull nose inside a wall. The tank is 125 tall sea clear. so top bottom, sides, and back are black or at least have that appearance. That is why I want black sand on the bottom of tank my girlfriend thinks white sand will look better. I am beggining to wonder myself. Any suggestions there.


Active Member
White has a great reflective quality that makes your tank look brighter, but you notice more algae and detrius on the substrate. Black makes a tank look dark but can do a lot to bring out the colors in your corals. Its really a matter of personal preference, and personally i think that the white looks the best, but i have seen some nice tanks with the black, it just has to be done right.


Active Member
As for settingup and cycling, I assume that you know that patience is the key to any successful saltwater aquarium. Using live rock and live sand are your best and most effective ways to start a cycle on a tank. I would deff. not use live fish for this, as this is not right for the cycle fish, not to mention, it strains your filters and natural filtration to play catch up right from the start rather than gradually cycling like nature intended. I also am a beleiver that if you hurry the cycle process in the beginning, whether it be adding fish or just hurrying, you are far more likely to have a major crash in the first 6 months. Also the infamous red algae cyano will make its ugly appearance felt much more in a tank that was not patiently cycled. But these are just my opinions. I have heard of many people using the old cocktail shrimp thing. My whole take on it is that there are already things in your tank that cause it to have to cycle, why add more, doesnt it only make sense that you would be extending the cycle time by adding more waste


I have a 75g reef ready tank, I used 60lbs of Premium Fiji live rock,3damsels,.
260 watt pc,, wet/dry for a 150g tank
after a week i started using seachem stability and some shrimp from the store
( the kind you eat )put one peeled shrimp into the tank eat the rest.whitin 2 1/2 weeks had an established tank had up for about 4 mths now.doing great


Originally Posted by skyman
That is why I want black sand on the bottom of tank my girlfriend thinks white sand will look better. I am beggining to wonder myself. Any suggestions there.
you could always split the difference and replicate the salt-n-pepper sand around parts of the Hawaiian Islands. Most (if not all) white sand around the islands is ground up coral (most processed courtesy of parrotfish I understand) while the black sand is from lava fractured when hitting the water or ground up through wave action.
Saw some salt-n-pepper while snorkeling off the Big Island and it is very pretty. Haven't made it to a true blacksand beach, but that's for the trip next year.