how can I treat lymphocystis?


I have been treating my fish with hypo for about a month in my display tank, because I had no other choice. there is LS and some rock in my tank.
Prior to hypo I used copper which didn't work.
Now I observe that thereare white spots on my emperator angels fins and very tiny spots om one of my angel fishes eye. I was thinking that it was an stubborn ich. I removed those spots by hand from its fins in a seperate container and I put the fish back in to the tank. Couple days later white spots came back more. My other fish look fine without any sympthoms of any ich. I checked the deseased fish pictures that you posted, now I'm sure that these white spots on my eperator are lymphocystis. butr I.m not sure about the tiny spots on my other angel fishes eye.
I tried fresh water dips couple times but it seems like it didn't work.
salinity is 1.0009 and other water parameters are perfect.
Can you please tell me how can I treat lymphocystis?
What can these tiny white spots on my fishes eye be and how can I treat it?


Staff member
You used copper in a tank with LR and LS?? You no longer have any LR and LS, if so. I imagine the poor water quality in your tank due to the copper treatment is causing all these problems.
What are your water readings?


Beth my water readings as follows:
temp. 82
ph 8.2
salinity 1.009
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0.6
I have 72 gal tank, two fluval 404 and wet/dry with overhang over flow box, protein skimmer and uv sterilizer.
I have this tank running around three months. I feed my fish with frozen brine shrimp, bloody worms and mysis shrimp.
All my fish look ok without any smpthoms of any ich except imperator angel, that has white spots on fins , I believe lymphocystis, which I tried to remove by hand and next day it came back more, and my other angel fish, I can not remember the exact name now, has very tiny white spots on one of it's eyes. Couple times I tried fresh water dips for these two fish and nothing has changed.
I have been doing hypo for a month. These two fish never got better.
if these fish have lymphocystis, How can I treat it?


Staff member
Have you been doing hypo in a tank with LR?
Can you post up a picture of the fish in question so I can see if it is ich or lymph?


I actually removed most of the LR, just left some simple rock for fish to hide and fell comfortable.
here are the pictures of my fish.
I cannot remember the name of orange color angel fish, if you know the name please tell me, it has white spots on it's eye as I mentioned before, but in the picture it is blurry.



Staff member
That does look like a bad case of lymph and the answer is to improve tank conditions and feeding.
Is there any reason to continue hypo? How long has it been since the fish have had ich?
Also, see about improving the fish diet because what you are offering is rather limited. How often are you feeding?
Add zoecon 1x a day to food.
Have you added copper to your tank with LR/LS in it? That could be the actually reason for the current problem.


I think there is no reason to continue hypo, because I don't see any sign of ich at all any more. The last time I saw ich was at least three weeks ago .
Do you think I should stop hypo at this moment?
I used copper before I started hypo with the LR andLS in my tank but I had corbon media in my two fluval 404 filters at the same time there fore I don't think the copper was very effective and stayed too long in the tank in high amounts.
Ater I stop hypo, I will add around 40lbs of live sand to seed the existing sand and I have beed curing my LR in a seperate tank with some new LR.
I feed my fish twice a day. Can you please explain what is zoecon? I have never heard of it. Where can I get it?


Staff member
You need to be precise. Was it 3 weeks ago that you entered hyposalinity? What ae you using to measure salinity?
How does the LR look? Do you see any life in there at all? Use a magnifying glass. Have you been feeding your tank since you removed the fish?
Would you mind if I used your pictures for reference?


I use refractrometer to measure salinity. It is being more than four weeks since I entered hypo and three weeks since I saw ich last time.
I have my LR, which I had them in my tank hen I used copper, in a seperate tank with some new LR and corals. I kep th calcium level btw 400-460 and also use iodine and stronium. There are red and orange spots all around my old LR growing. These spots are kind of hard. I also have two new fish, royal gamma and cinnamon clown with snails and hermit crabs, in this tank.
You can use the pictures I posted for reference, your welcome.
Can you please explain what is zoecon? I have never heard of it. Where can I get it?