How Cloudy Should It Be?


I am treating a Flame Angel in a 20 gallon QT for popeye. I have dosed the first two days of Maracyn II (four tablets the first day, and 2 the second), per the recommended double-dose. I figured that the water would be cloudy, but it is REALLY cloudy, is this normal? I checked on the box and it didn't mention cloudy water.
Thanks a lot! -David


your water shouldn't be cloudy at all, afaik. Why would it be cloudy? Only thing I can think of would be an ammonia spike with the maracyn killing the bacteria in your tank, but . . . why?


Hmmm, that is kind of disconcerting. I doubt that the bacteria is dying because the instructions claim that Maracyn II has no effect on biological filtration, but I will check my levels. It is REALLY cloudy, but the Angel (from what I can tell) is doing better than he was when I put him in there. Thanks for the reply. Any other suggestions/thoughts????


I had a thought: the water has a sort of yellowish green tint to it. Could the maracyn have triggered a bacterial bloom or an algal bloom??? Does that make any since?
This is a fairly stripped hosipital tank with no substrate and only a few dead calcerious rocks, a biowheel 175, and a powerhead 301. It has been established for over a month and was not cloudy at all until the addition of the maracyn. Anyone?

k salt

you dont need that much dosing .on a 75 gal tank you would only use half a tablet dont care what the box says cut down on dosing and treat longer the correct dose is half a tablet one day skip a day then another half and a half for a total of 5 days


I appreciate your thoughts k salt, but if you will do a search on maracyn II dosage or popeye you will find that my dosage is correct per the advise of several sharks, namely Terry B, a trusted advisor here. Such a low dosage would do little to defeat the infection.
Thanks a lot though :)