"how Come I Can't Keep A Tang"


for a long time i had a BLUE REGAL then he died well i bought two others not at the same time both of these were really small and fell victim to my powerhead well just the other day i bought a POWDER BLUE a big one about 4" long well he lasted about 2 days then i found him being eaten by my GREEN STAR SERPENT and HERMIT CRABS now my starfish has never bothered anything before the only other fish i have is a CINNAMON CLOWN have had him for a long time any help very much appreciated

sinner's girl

also, are you putting fish in a qt tank first?
where are you getting them from? are you watching them for awhile before buying them? Do you trust the source you're getting the tangs from? do they have white spots on them?
tanks like algea and room to swim, min 55gl, 75gl or 90 is better


regals and especially powder blues need room to roam or they will get stressed, i disagree too, i would say 110gal. for a regal and 125 for a powder blue to thrive, smaller they can live in but will not thrive in.


thanx for all the posts i have a 55 gal. that has been running for about 2 1/2 yrs. all my corals and my cinnamon clown are doing great my parameters are fine the powder blue was eating ok for those 2 days i feed with brine shrimp ... oh well i'm thinking about getting a bigger tank maybe i'll try it again then but i don't understand the tank i got him from was smaller than mine LFS had him for a while ok what about a maroon clown with the gold stripes thinking about getting one of those???