How Dangerous Are Anemones?


New Member
I have read disclaimers regarding anemones which state that they are dangerous. ie) "Anemones have nematocysts, a.k.a. stinging cells, and can be dangerous to the touch. These creatures can cause injury or death...." Is this true can an anomone kill you if you accidentally touch it? What is the best way to handle the Anemone, should you use a net or container? I have a 26 gallon tank, I would like to get an anemone in the next couple of months and would just like some information Thank... :help:


the sting wont hurt you you wont even feel it. it will just itch for an hour, however carpets have more or a sing than usual. i got stung 2 days ago and my finder still feels weird.


I'm thinking they mean that some anenomes can be more dangerous if you have allergies ect. Though I know either way atleast a Condylactus can leave nasty red sores on you...from what i've seen.


I have never read about anyone having an allergic reaction to E. quadricolor, aka bta, which I would assume is one the most popular anemones purchased.
Carpet anemones, aka S. gigantae's and haddoni's cause the most problems. I have read of people having allergic reactions to these two types. When handling either one of these I was never bothered in the least.
I think it's a case by case basis, and it depends on the each individual as to whether or not you'll be affected.


even if your allergic to them you have to be stung in an open wound. now that really hurts but otherwise you dont even feel um


I get stung by my Condy quite frequently during maintenance. It feels like a mosquito bite. If itched, I will get welts that look like hives, but generally go away in a short amount of time. I think everyone has different reactions.


i think that they are talking about wild anemones i recently read that some have quiet a dangerous sting and these arent seen in the aquarium trade, how true or not this is im not sure


Folks who allergic to various venoms, do not need to be stung in an open wound to have a reaction.
Granted most have fairly mild reactions, however people can develop an anaphylactic reaction from just a sting on the intact dermis.