how deep should my sand bed be


New Member
ok .............i have a 90 gallon tank with about 2 inches of live sand much should i have...............i keep gettin messed up test results and i am wondering if my sand bed can be the cause.............i love my tank and i dont want to throw it out the any suggestions are welcome........


Active Member
2" is about average. Some ppl like no sand and some like deep (4-6").
Define "messed up test results".


Active Member
I have about 3 inchs in our display and about 4 in our fuge/sump.
I prefer the sand bed to rise just about the black/oak bands that run around tanks. This way it helps with filtration and you also get to see what goes on under the sand as well. it also helps to steady your rockwork. IF you plan on things like sand sifters or sand dwelling anemones i would go with atleast a few inchs


Active Member
i've about 0 to 3 inches in dunes. i like it an inch or so above the black/wood band in my tanks so i can observe after dark subterrainian activity. my fish tend to dig and push dunes, so it changes almost weekly. there's a lot of stuff going on in the sand that's interesting to see.
i have seen lots of tanks with just an inch or so though. i like lots of lr and ls.


New Member
i just cant seem to get my nitrate levels down below 20 or so............could it be something else..........ohh ...........should i vacumm my live sand.................( nothing is missing or dead so that is not the reason for the nitrate levels)


Active Member
would need more info to help with your nitrates
as for cleaning your sand NO you dont want to clean your live sand


New Member
yes i cycled my tank.................its been up and runnin for about 7 months now...........i just seem to have 1 problem after another.................but who knows maybe my tank never cycled the right way...........remind me again why salt water is awsome.......................:notsure:


what type of filter/skimmer? what are your other parameters? how often do you do a water change? are you using tapwater or RO water?
your problem is not the sand bed (it is just sand, right? not crushed coral?). two inches should be enough to promote the growth of anaerobic bacteria deep in the substrate.
if you could post your pH and other parameters (including water change info) we'll try to help you out!:jumping:


Active Member
I don't believe two inches is enough to promote anaerobic bacteria. From everything I have read and seen you need 4-6 inches for oxygen void spaces.
The sand, at 2 inches of depth, could be the cause of a constant nitrate reading.
Do you have a strong water flow across your sand?


I have a 29 gal tank with 10 # LR would twenty pounds of live sand be enouph or should i go for 40 pounds?


remember there are very successful tanks with NO sand...I have a nitrates anymore strictly because of my skimmer, the day we put that on, my nitrates have alway stayed at 0, before shimmer they were like 20......I have a remoraC pro skimmer, excellent job.....


my nitrates has been between 10 and 20 for a while and I have a skimmer on the tank should i worry.
Berlin Airlift 60


There is a good calculator on garf dot org for sand bed. It will tell you how much argonite you should use with live sand on top for your desired sand bed depth. Most people suggest 2", like already suggested above.


Do a search for the term "Winogradsky column" and read it. this simple device shows in beautiful detail the relationships between sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen in the environment, and will help people understand the purpose of a sand bed.


New Member
ok i do have a skimmer maybe its just to small............the skimmer i have is rated for a 100 gallon tank is a 90............the skimmer is a prizm skimmer..........its 1 of those hang on jobs..............maybe its not runnin right or its to small.............maybe its poor water flow.................just curious how many powerheads should i use