How Deep should Sand Bed Be??



How deep should the sandbed be in my new 90 gal?
What are the advantages to a shallow or deep sand bed??
Does anyone know how many pounds you typically put in a 90?


IMO 1 in to 2 in of sand is best with 1.5 pounds of sand per gallon. Deeper sand beds (4in.) provide a greater anaerobic(non-oxygenated) enviroment for denitrfying bacteria. This will keep a lot of nitrates out of your water


I have never done a deep sand bed, But I didnt know what was best.
Thanks again


That was one opinion. Personally I believe in "go deep or don't go at all".
You have to decide on your overall plan in reef keeping to make up your mind on a sand bed. A shallow sand bed is asthetically pleasing and helps in breaking down ammonia and nitrite. But nitrate will be the end product and in a shallow sand bed you are left with only your live rock breaking it down.
Now if you go with a deep sand bed 4 to 4 1/2 inches deep you will gain aa additional layer where nitrates are broken down. Now you have live rock and a deep sand bed to complete the nitrogen cycle. I feel using a deep sand bed with 1 to 1 1/2 lbs live rock per gallon gives a system where stocking limits can be pushed and fluctuations in parameters are less like to be quick.
All in all I believe in and whole heartedly suggest deep sand beds in all larger systems.


Active Member
I had around a 4 + inch sand bed in my 125 tank and in my sump in the middle part more rock and about a 6 inch sand bed. I think it helps but hey thats just me. I use some sand sifting stars some shrimp I pick up at the local bait shop and some snails that love the burrow and eat the stuff in the sand bed so it keeps stirred up but still does its job.


Originally Posted by Dennis210
That was one opinion. Personally I believe in "go deep or don't go at all".
You have to decide on your overall plan in reef keeping to make up your mind on a sand bed. A shallow sand bed is asthetically pleasing and helps in breaking down ammonia and nitrite. But nitrate will be the end product and in a shallow sand bed you are left with only your live rock breaking it down.
Now if you go with a deep sand bed 4 to 4 1/2 inches deep you will gain aa additional layer where nitrates are broken down. Now you have live rock and a deep sand bed to complete the nitrogen cycle. I feel using a deep sand bed with 1 to 1 1/2 lbs live rock per gallon gives a system where stocking limits can be pushed and fluctuations in parameters are less like to be quick.
All in all I believe in and whole heartedly suggest deep sand beds in all larger systems.
Thanks for your reply. I am def one who could end up slightly overstocking the tank, so I want to make sure everything goes smoothly in that case, I def think i have the 1- 1 1/2 pounds of rock per gallon.
Thank you!


Active Member
so in a 40g breeder, thats gonna be a fowlr tank, ur sayin do about a 4 inch sand bed? that would be between 40 an 60lbs of live sand, correct? lol