How did you find out there was no Santa?


Just curious. I found a big covered box in the basement when I was 5. In it was everything on my Christmas list. On Christmas morning everything was there under the tree except the one thing I wanted but had only told Santa himself. A McDonalds restaurant toy. It even had a little drive through. It wasn;t there and I knew why.


Active Member
I found out when my Parents raised me Jewish.

LoL, but seriously...this is so's like finding out there's no toothfairy. Yup, that's right; she's a fake. Lies man, all lies.


Originally Posted by Mimzy
LoL, but seriously...this is so's like finding out there's no toothfairy. Yup, that's right; she's a fake. Lies man, all lies.
Even if there is no tooth fairy my parents pay me when i lose a tooth just to play along with my little siblings


How did you find out there was no Santa?
Who says there is no Santa? While there might not be a Jolly little fat man with a white beard and a red suit, the spirit of Santa none the less lives in everyone of us. My wife is a volunteer Social Ministries director of a small Mission outside of town in a "Financialy depressed" neighborhood. Each year we have been able to supply a nice Christmas to many children who would otherwise have nothing. The money for this comes from donations through churches within the area and from individuals who know of the needs of these people and who know of our work there. Each year we hunt through the "After Christmas sales" for bargains to use for the next year and store them at the mission. Last year my wife and daughter went shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving sales and stayed out all night. They had to return home a couple of times during the night to unload her truck so they could go back and get more bargains for the kids. If it were not for the spirit of Santa in every one of us this would not be possible to do year after year. I could go on with this forever about the good things I have seen in the past few years while we have been doing this, but I dont want this post to get too long and boring. But I do have one short memory that will be with me forever. While delivering food baskets 3 years ago my son knocked on the door of one of the homes that some one called about needing food. A very old little lady answered and thanked my son many times over and said that she was wondering what she would have to eat that night as she had no food. When he returned to the Mission to pick up more food baskets to deliver he told my wife about this. When I returned to reload my truck she told me about it. When we were done we took several more of the donated whole chickens and several more bags of canned goods and returned to this ladys house. When she opened the door you could smell the chicken boiling. "Santa" had visited a little early this year. So dont tell me there is no Santa. Santa is alive and well and living in everyone. During this holiday season let a little bit of Santa come out in you and volunteer a little bit of time or money to a local charity. Better yet, if you want a really rewarding experience, find a needy family through your church or other organization. Contact them and take them shopping for their kids. You will be glad you did.
If any one would like to see them I have several before and after pictures of our food pantry and of "Santas Workshop" at the mission from last year.


Active Member
I caught my dad in a santa suit eating the cookies and milk when I was 5. I also found my mom putting out gifts by the tree that said from :Santa.


Active Member
I agree with xhappy; There's no Santa
Why would you start such an evil, Hateful, HURTFUL, THREAD. mods, delete pleeeease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SLUGGO, that's a little thick there. If this had been Easter I probably would of asked how you found out there was no Easter Bunny. I'm not referring to the "spirit of Santa" or trying to get deep into the "meaning" of Christmas and what it is supposed to mean. You can do a whole new thread on that I'm sure. Just curious Sluggo, you never said how you found out.


Originally Posted by hot883
I agree with xhappy; There's no Santa
Why would you start such an evil, Hateful, HURTFUL, THREAD. mods, delete pleeeease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD !!! Yes, that's right I said ! There is no Santa and by the way no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy. A N D there is more than one Shamoo the whale. (which I did not know until I was in my mid 20's.


Active Member
First: It is a birthday party for the Baby Jesus-only we get the presents! :cheer: Jesus was the BEST gift of all time!

Second: We sorta "down sized" Santa-if that is possible. We wrap up most of the gifts from Mom and Dad. There are a few gifts are "left" for them to find on Christmas morning. Santa leaves more gifts for little children who's parents can't afford to buy as many gifts. That seems to work out in their minds anyway.


Active Member
Well, the real santa was St. Nicholas who lived around 250 AD and and the tridition comes from him being honored in the Netherlands and Germany as a protector of children ect.
As far as the mythical Santa I think w/ me its just something you slowly begin to realize as you get older as a child.


Sluggo, I think you may have taken this one a little hard. I agree with everything you said though. You've inspired me. I know the good folks who run a local charity here called Santa's Angels - I just wrote out a check.
I found out because my mother had gifts for my cleaning lady's kids and also our "x-mas adopt a family." I read that the cards said "from Santa". I called her on it and she finally gave in. I was probably about 19 at the time. j/k


Originally Posted by cheyco
SLUGGO, that's a little thick there. If this had been Easter I probably would of asked how you found out there was no Easter Bunny. I'm not referring to the "spirit of Santa" or trying to get deep into the "meaning" of Christmas and what it is supposed to mean. You can do a whole new thread on that I'm sure. Just curious Sluggo, you never said how you found out.
I am afraid that I dont know what you mean by "Thick". I really do not remember how I found out that "Jolly old Saint Nick" was a myth.


Originally Posted by Speg
About 2 weeks before Christmas I found a note to me from Santa in my moms purse.
what were u doing in your moms purse anyway? hmmmm...


Poor Speg....... I lived in Miami and we didn't have a fireplace. I never could figure out how Santa got into our house cuz he was too fat to squeeze through the small space between the door jam and chain link lock!!!