How did you find this site?



googled "ich" i think is what i was trying to find info on

al mc

Active Member
I have trouble remembering my own name most I can't daughter's, boyfriend's, stepmother told me about it?
Or maybe that's who told me about ----?!?

al mc

Active Member
Sorry about my poor attempt at humor........Found it by doing a google search about online salt water fish/coral retail establishments and realized that there was this really informative message board attached :scared: ......My wife complains I spend too much time 'making water', cleaning the tank, starring at the fish..and yes, 'chatting' on the message board.........


Active Member
I was with Al Gore when he invented the internet.

um, not really...I googled for marine fishes or aquariums or some such drivel.


Active Member
just surfin and i googled saltwater fish (must have gone to the pet store or something), found this website, and this is the site that actually got me into salt water


Active Member
yeah Al Mc got it. i was googling saltwater retailers and after looking at there fish for about a week i started looking at the side bars and well yeah here we are.
keep them coming.


Can you believe that one of the few saltwater fish stores in my area had the link on their business card? Glad I dropped in before I got misled by some of their 'knowledgeable' :notsure: employees.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mightymouse
Googled saltwater aquarium! Then I read a lot of posts and found it very informative.
Same. I've been a member on floridasportsman's forum for a couple of years and think forums are great. It took me a little to warm up to this forum but now I'm addicted.


I was looking for a good recipe for grouper and stumbled across this site
. Lol …. No Google was my guide