How did you get into this Hobby ?



came across a great deal on a saltwater tank($1200 tank for $100), but i've had freshwater for 7 years


One Christmas when I was in elementary school (can't remember exactly when), my parents drove me to the LFS, we walked in, and there was a wroght-iron stand with a 29 on top and a 20l on the bottom. Big red bows and all.
They figured that would be a good way to get into a hobby, have a pet, and not sneeze my head off. My sister and I both were alergic to animal dander, so dogs and cats were out. Mom wasn't wild about reptiles, so fish seemed like a logical choice.
When we picked up the tanks, we decided that we'd make the 29 a freshwater tank, and the 20long on the bottom a saltwater tank.
It goes without saying that a kid with little/no knowledge about aquaria - and parents who had no experience killed our share of fish. Back then I was at my parent's mercy to buy anything, and they were pretty frugal. Something like a yellow tang was pretty extravagant, and when one died a day or two after getting home, that didn't help my chances at getting any more "expensive fish". So therefore I was content to keep a damsel or two, a percula clown, and watch a chocolate chip star consume a couple of condylactis anemones. The "Big" tank - the 29 - was for things like a bala shark, an angel or two, and some silver dollars. That tank was solid, with very few deaths.
Thats where it all started... about 15 years ago.


It all started when I was going to get a gold fish for my son I was going to just get a little bowl for it , shows you how much knowledge I had for fish!!! Well the store attendent told me I needed a tank with a filter so I bought a 5 gal and got some tropical fish, well then I got a 10gal and then I got a 29gal and I love it! I was doing research on the net for fw and starting reading about sw and.......well it turned into a drug, I couldnt stop reading. I have researched for months and now I am in the progress of starting a 55folr with a 10 fuge , having a lot of fun setting up. I want to eventually get a 90 or 120 and put some live corals in there........ oh yeh!!!!!
here is my fw if interested:
tetratec 150 powerfilter
175g powerhead for circ
2 marble angels
1 gold angel
1 purple gournimi
2 fema. guppies
1 male guppie
2 bala sharks
3 frogs
at least two dozen of ghost shrimp
1 algae eater
and last but not least a snail
Well that is how it started that day we where at wal mart and the wife had made the suggestion to get a fish for Jacob, my son, and now its all about the saltwater baby!!!!:D


Active Member
I wanted FW stingrays...because I thought stingrays were awesome and heard SW was so difficult. Then I went diving and saw SW stingrays...and eels...and fish...and coral...and.....
Nothing compares, does it?


I fell off a boat when I was real small and ended up beig raised by Dolfins. :D Actually was got a 10 gal fw tank for one of my birthdays as a kid which i had for many year. I got away from the hobby in 1988. Then was looking at the saltwater tanks in 1995 and bought a $29 gal setup of from a friend. which I replaced 4 years later with a new 38 Gal aga as the 29 gal developed a leak in the bottem corner. Now i'm planning on doing a lage in the wall behind the bar in my tv room.