How did you get your dwarf angel to eat?


Hi guys! I have a golden angel. He is going to be the centerpiece of my 150. Currently he is in a 58 hospital tank. I have not observed him eating in the nearly two weeks I have had him. I have tried frozen brine, frozen mysis, frozen krill, frozen angel and butterfly preperations, spirulina, flakes, and have tried soaking all of these in garlic. I'd like to hear all of your feeding methods, no matter how unorthodox. I love this fish, and I'm willing to try anything to get him eating.


Originally Posted by Robdog696
Hi guys! I have a golden angel. He is going to be the centerpiece of my 150. Currently he is in a 58 hospital tank. I have not observed him eating in the nearly two weeks I have had him. I have tried frozen brine, frozen mysis, frozen krill, frozen angel and butterfly preperations, spirulina, flakes, and have tried soaking all of these in garlic. I'd like to hear all of your feeding methods, no matter how unorthodox. I love this fish, and I'm willing to try anything to get him eating.
Try live brine or formula two marine pellets or spectrum all of mine angels loves all of that, good luck btw did you see it eat before you bought it.


Active Member
You may want to add some mature lr to the tank if your not treating, so it will graze. Try getting a live clam from the grocery store and open it then add to tank. Also add some food on the live rock and see if it will eat it off there. Live small ghost shrimp.


Active Member
I'll let you in on what the pro's
use. Scallops, have not had a fish yet not take to them. For larger fish, just dice them up, for smaller fish, use a grater (a smaller, finer one obviously) and get some shavings of scallop. Got my potters angel to start eating off them.

That and cyclopeeze.


Originally Posted by redman1221
Try live brine or formula two marine pellets or spectrum all of mine angels loves all of that, good luck btw did you see it eat before you bought it.
No, unfortunately, I did not. Golden angels are reclusive, and do not usually feed aggressively in community tanks. I knew this was going to be a challenge. Thanks for your input :)


Originally Posted by mcbdz
You may want to add some mature lr to the tank if your not treating, so it will graze. Try getting a live clam from the grocery store and open it then add to tank. Also add some food on the live rock and see if it will eat it off there. Live small ghost shrimp.
I've heard of this idea. Unfortunately, I am treating for ick via hyposalinity, so my liverock (which is very mature) is in a 50 gallon rubbermaid tub right now. Thanks :)


Originally Posted by CONEJO
You Could Get Some Aiptasia Anenomes Attached 2 Cheap Live Rock, That Works Alooot!
I used to have a problem with these things. Ironically, I just got rid of them right before adding my angel. Don't know where I would find any. :( Thanks!


Originally Posted by CONEJO
Have U Tried Live Black Worms? Try Prawn Eggs 2!
I don't know where I would find either of these. Do you know if any stores like ***** or petsmart sell these? I know neither of my LFSs do. Thanks!


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I'll let you in on what the pro's
use. Scallops, have not had a fish yet not take to them. For larger fish, just dice them up, for smaller fish, use a grater (a smaller, finer one obviously) and get some shavings of scallop. Got my potters angel to start eating off them.

That and cyclopeeze.
Thanks so much! This sounds like a great idea! I'm going to try this one first.