How do clowns get Brooklynella?


Active Member
I think one of my clowns looks like it may be coming down with it, but I haven't added any new livestock to my tank in months.


i've had the same problem and it wasn't from other fish. i don't know what it was from so good question.


Active Member
Crap....I was hoping it had to be introduced by other fish, that way I could say my clown doesn't have it since I haven't added anything in a while.
How fast does it progress?


Active Member
Brooklynella is accually a paresite that lives on your fish even in the wild . they live in the gills along with many other forms of paresites such as ich ect..when the fish's imune system is weakend the paresites thrive and over populate the gills making the rest of the fish's body its home thus eventually draining the fish of all of its strength.then they inevidably die. this is why quarentine is so important when introducing new fish to your tank..unfortunatly hyposalinaty does not effect other forms of paresite as it does ich and even that is not 100 % effective..these fish are not paresite free when they enter fish stores or your that are stressed or malnurished are the ones that become victoms of these paresites.unfortunatly with brooks if the fish is showing def signs of being infected with this particular paresite its normally too late to treat them.. copper treatments have been known to be proven erradications of many forms of lethal and non lethal paresites before your fish show signs of beng ill..
i hope this answers your question


i have formalin ready in case of an incident in the future but i think they're right that it's difficult to cure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Pretty much only clownfish can get it though.
very much untrue anthias and any species of damsel fish tend to be more prone to this paresite..however all fish can get it..copper is the only known treatment.not formaline but unfortunately copper doesnt kill all paresites either its always touch and go


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
very much untrue anthias and any species of damsel fish tend to be more prone to this paresite..however all fish can get it..copper is the only known treatment.not formaline but unfortunately copper doesnt kill all paresites either its always touch and go

I'm confused, in the diseased fish thread it says formalin baths are the treatment for brook.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mryoung7
i have formalin ready in case of an incident in the future but i think they're right that it's difficult to cure.

I have some on hand but today it is looking more like ich.


Active Member
When I brought my pair home, they did not have it but over the next few days they had about 30% of their boddy covered.
I fed them plenty of garlic soaked foods and limited my light times to reduce the amount of stress in the tank.
I took about 1 month for it to go away, I think the garlic was a mjor key to their recovery.
Also I made sure my water was in tip top shape!


My fish had brook and I managed to save them (2 clowns and bicolor blenny). They got it about two weeks after I added the blenny. So I am assuming he brought it in? Not sure though. Anyways, it is treated with formalin most commonly. IF you search for my thread you can see pics of what they look like before and after. Can you post a pic of your fish? Does it look more like salt on their skin or is their skin really dull and peely all over? When my fish had brook, it looked like all their skin was schloghing off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sac10918
My fish had brook and I managed to save them (2 clowns and bicolor blenny). They got it about two weeks after I added the blenny. So I am assuming he brought it in? Not sure though. Anyways, it is treated with formalin most commonly. IF you search for my thread you can see pics of what they look like before and after. Can you post a pic of your fish? Does it look more like salt on their skin or is their skin really dull and peely all over? When my fish had brook, it looked like all their skin was schloghing off.

I think it was a slight case of ich, it is gone now.