How do fish sleep?


Yea my blue tang used to sleep wedged between the heater and the glass and ventually during the night would fall to the bottom onto the sand on his side. The first time i saw this i thought he was dead but he lived for a year after that until he finally jusy recently passed(RIP my beloved beauty) And one night he floated down on his side to the sand on top of my new spotted mandarin. It was so funny it looked like the giant tang was a big blanket spread over the mandarin. Boy do i miss that fish! ~RYAN~


juvenile dragon wrasse makes sure to set up a small farm or LR rubble ebfore going to bed & burying himself near it only to wake the next day harvesting the copepods in it <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


the bigger of my two false clowns sleeps behind some rocks next to the glass and the smaller one is up behind the outlets of my emporer filter its pretty funny cause first time i woke up and looked in i didnt see the little guy but then he came out lil sneaky guy


I love this topic! i used to have 2 firefish. they were so funny. they would first swim in circles together for about 20 minutes then they would bury themselves in the sand. i think the reason they died was because they got stuck in the sand. :(