HOw do I acclimate shrimp


I am gonna add two cleaner shrimp this week. How do I acclimate them? Can I grab them and place them or do I net them and then dump them in? Will they get stuck to the net?
I just do not wanna grab them and crush their skeletons. Also should I get some calcium supplements for them or will they be ok?
Can I mix a blood with a skunk cleaner or should I get two of the same kind?


I acclimated my shrimp the same way you would acclimate a fish. I have a Skunk with a Coral Banded and they get along just fine. :)


Shrimp need to be acclimated even more carefully than fish. They are very sensitive to differences in water chemistry, especialy pH. I would first float the bag for at least 20 minutes to equalize the temp and the pour apx. 50% of the water out of the bag and add 25% tank water to the bag. Continue to float the bag and do 2 or 3 more tank water additions at about a 10 minute intervals. I would then pour the water through a net and transfer the shrimp to the aquarium. Remember that you want to add as little fish store water to your tank as possible to help reduce the introduction of undesirable chemicals and possible disease organisms.


Active Member
read tang's post, and YES, you can mix blood and cleaner shrimp, they should get along just fine, i've seen alot of people with both to gether, with ZERO signs of aggression or problems


New Member
I agree with Mr.Tang, 25% is too much at a time. The best way for me to use the drip method, just like for kalkwasser. I put the fish/shrimp/coral in a small bucket and take water with an air hose. Adjust the flow and wait, always works for me


The drip method is exteremly easy and the only way to go. I get the airhose and tie a couple of knots into it. I adjust the flow and check it with a shot glass. I have been most successful when I let the shot glass fill up in about 2 minutes. then I let the water in the bag approximately double, pour half out and let the water in the bag increase again. This is so much easier than pouring water in one bit at a time and less frightening for the animals. One thing I don't do is float the bag, the drip will acclimate to temperature as well as all other elements.