How do I acclimate these monsters?

royal gang

Active Member
How do I/How long do I acclimate these:
Sarcophyton sp. Leather Coral
Silver Branch Pumping Xenia
Sailfin/Algae Blenny
Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Linckia Sea Star
I will put them in the 4th of the next month... any tips as well anything would be good.

PS: What to feed, I know:
lawnmower blenny=algae
leather= phytoplankton/zooplankton
and the shrimp and star?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
How do I/How long do I acclimate these:
Sarcophyton sp. Leather Coral
Silver Branch Pumping Xenia
Sailfin/Algae Blenny
Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Linckia Sea Star
I will put them in the 4th of the next month... any tips as well anything would be good.

PS: What to feed, I know:
lawnmower blenny=algae
leather= phytoplankton/zooplankton
and the shrimp and star?
first off what are your water perameters and lighting -tank size
acclimation on the corals is temp acclimate for 20 minutes and put them in the tank
algae bleny and skunk cleaner 4 hrs drip method
linkia 6 hrs drip method
xenia doesnt eat phyto or zoo as far as i know
the shrimp will eat whatever u put in the tank and the star eats macro fuana sp on the live rock .needs 140 lbs of live rock or so


Active Member
What kind of Linckia?
The Linckia, as a general rule, CAN NOT be spot fed and needs a huge mature reef tank with pristine water conditions and a minimum of 150lbs of LR in a 100+g tank. If you can not provide these minimum requirements, please do not get this star.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
Also, will the lawnmower blenny eat all the algae because it has taken over 1/4 of the aquarium.

If you are having an algae outbreak it sounds like your water parameters are off. If your parameters are off then you need to hold off on adding corals and inverts.
Lawnmower Blennies will eat algae, but livestock should NEVER be your first response to algae blooms until the cause is identified and addressed.

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
If you are having an algae outbreak it sounds like your water parameters are off.
but they're not off...
pH 8.5
calcium 380
salinity 1.025
amm/trites/trates=0 (im not even kidding)
no i do not over-feed
temp= 80oF
alk= 4.0
55 gallon 100lbs of live rock and lastly 250watts metal halide 10,000k


Originally Posted by reefreak29
yeh u shouldnt really get a linkia with that set up
I agree plus I think the calcium level is to low.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
but they're not off...
pH 8.5
calcium 380
salinity 1.025
amm/trites/trates=0 (im not even kidding)
no i do not over-feed
temp= 80oF
alk= 4.0
55 gallon 100lbs of live rock and lastly 250watts metal halide 10,000k
Have you double checked your nitrate test results? Tested for phosphates? Are you using RO/DI water? How old are your bulbs? How much circulation does your tank have?

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Have you double checked your nitrate test results? Tested for phosphates? Are you using RO/DI water? How old are your bulbs? How much circulation does your tank have?
my bulbs are 3 months old, yes i checked i have NO IDEA what the heck is going in my aquarium, it's got 1,180gph on 4 maxi-jet powerheads, ALWAYS use reverse osmosis water and im gunna blow my head off because theres no reason for algae...


Active Member
i had this stringy algea going in my tank so i got a lawn mower blennie and he hardly ever eats the algea he eats the shrimp and stuff i put in for the fish.
im not sure why every now and then i see him eat some algea but no where enough to control it.


We had a diatom outbreak and got a Golden Jawed Blenny. And within a week the algae on the sand was gone. We also have 12 snails (6 turbo and 6 the N ones). I am sure it was a combo of both. Our tank has been up for 1.3 months. We have 50-55+ of LR. Good luck and sorry Idon't have muc more advice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
omg... that really sucks if that little fish fails im gunna get like 50 snails (nassarius)
Nass snails will eat more detritus and food scraps than algae.
My LB also eats more fish food than algae.


Active Member
Cut back on your feeding to force your fish and inverts to attack the algae. Remember nitrates and phosphates may not show in tests because they are or could be locked up in your algae.


Active Member
I am assuming that the Linckia and cleaner shrimp are not being put in to help with the algae, as neither will make any impact on it...

royal gang

Active Member
I know the cleaner shrimp wont touch it was i expecting it? no i wasn't but what invert can eat up all the algae and in a short matter of time? i got 2 turbo snails u think like 3 more would be good (i also need a cleaning crew) tips on the cleaning crew would be good too.
pr... here is a good way to put it... what fish/invert will chugg itself to almost explode with algae?

sorry for chugging down all these questions into one thread but will Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab eat the algae? :D and also what do xenias eat?


Active Member
im haveing a time with hair algea and a mexican turbo has been my best solution and an urchin to but i dont really like the urchin because he cleans the rock to well

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
im haveing a time with hair algea and a mexican turbo has been my best solution and an urchin to but i dont really like the urchin because he cleans the rock to well
Hey guys I was thinking about getting 30 Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab you think they wil finish it off? and at the same time i need a cleaning crew...
lol... the urchin eats too well? i thought that was good...

and also the question about what the xenias eat is still pending...


Hello-with your algae problem-sometimes you have to do frequent water changes-- at least weekly - to get rid of it. Your phosphates may be too high. And what do pulsating zenias eat??