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Im 22, shes 28, shes incredibly smart, shes got a doctorate, but socially awkward, I really like hangin out with her, but we have never hung out one on one, just always in groups with other people.
I cant get up the gumption to ask her out... because I dont really know how to... like... ask her. Its been years since my last relationship, and that was senior year in high school, so its not even a "real" relationship. Any ideas? tips?
so yeah, I have never REALLY had a "real" relationship.
Im pathetic, I know.
Here's what I'd do... its really easy and disarming..
Hang out in a group with her then get into a serious conversation and throw out that "man we ought to get coffee sometime and chill, you're really worthwhile to talk to" etc... Its not hard man... there's no way she'd be like "oh hell no, I hate you" in that situation. Or another sucker thing LOL... you may be out like $30 though trying this...
Find out what bands she likes.. buy two tickets, hang out with her in a group.. pull that whole "man I bought two tickets and my friend backed out on me and I'm left with this other ticket...wait.. hey don't you like so and so? why don't you come with me?"
You're going to have to go really slow because unless she already has the cougar mentality, she might not be comfortable with dating someone 6 years younger unless you build the rapport with her and make hanging out with you her favorite thing... you may have to do the friends --->good friends --->dating friends thing..
Remember, you're selling yourself and never act desperate but never cocky. See with the above two things, she HAS to give her number without you directly asking "can I get your number?"