How do I attach an image?


I've tried the attach button, but apparently my file is too large. What do I need to do to be able to make it fit?


Active Member
You will need to downsize your photo using a photo editing program (adobe photoshop, microsoft picture it, etc...)
The image that you downsize has to be less than 75,000 bytes or less than 500x500 pixels. Good luck.
Let us know if you still can't get it to work.


ignore the previous pic. It's not very good. Here's another one. Nothing to brag about yet, I'm still working on it. By the way, I'm also new at the use of digital cameras so I apologize for the flash left on. Gina


Ok here's my next question I reduced the third picture exactly the same way as the second one and when I tried posting it I STILL got the message that it was too large. Why did that happen when it was done the exact same way?


Active Member
Did you shoot all of the photos at the same setting on the camera?
Often times with digital cameras........more detailed shots will actually be larger in file size.


well maybe it's more detailed then, the only thing different is the distance I was from the tank and maybe the zoom. That explains it I think. G