How do I build a refugium?

I want to build a 10 gallon refugium under my 60 Gallon reef tank. It is going to be in the tanks 30 inch stand.... What kind of pump do I need to get the water back up into the tank, etc.... Thanks.
PS.. If theres a place with blueprints that would be great, too!!!


Well there are places online to look at that stuff.
(msg was edited due to a link that is not allowed to be shown...please take this as a warning as to not do this again.. please review the rules on this...thanks RLV695)
That website has some cool links about refugiiums, anyhow here is what I did with mine.
I actually made mine a sump/refugium, but you could just make the refugium. It depends on if you want this gravity fed, return etc, where you have space for the refugium and everything else.
I used a simple surface skimmer to collect water, and gravity flow it down into my sump. I took a 20 gallon tank with some plexiglass and marine safe silicone and seperated the tank long-ways into two sections.

| Refug |

| Sump |

Something like that. The water comes into the sump through a filter media, just something to reduce bubbles. Inside the sump I have a cap 2200 pump. From the pump I have pvc going two directions. Essentially there is pvc from the pump to a splitter. On one side I have pvc with a control valve kinda like you have for your garden hose outside, only plastic, on the other a straight line back to the tank. This allows me to control the flow into the refugium, and let the rest go back into the tank. The sump also gives me a place to put my heater and skimmer. (For my Fish Only tank). The side going to the refugium I can turn the faucet to control the amount of water going into it, you want a very slow flow (30-40gph). When the water rises above the plexiglass, it just simply comes over into the sump. Then can get pushed back into the tank. I hope this makes sense. I plan on creating directions for mine with a price list and pictures within the next few days so people can see it.
[ October 03, 2001: Message edited by: RLV695 ]


Yeah Andymi,
You KNOW you got that exact idea from ME! :)
Hey Croc Hunter, use a return that will put out almost as fast as your overflow can keep up with. I guess that is ideal, but it is hard to figure out as your pumping up x # of ft...then you have the elbows at the top to factor in....I would go with a rio2100. are you set with a 10 gallon refugium? that sounds somewhat gotta allow for overflow...I didn't do that on my first attempt at a 10g sump/refugium and was glad I posted my plans here first! Email me (and check out my diagram) which sounds what andymi did too and let's share some thoughts! :cool:


Yep I definitely took ideas from your design. Although mine is laid out quite a bit different, same concept behind it.

nm reef

Active Member
Croc hunter.....I went a slightly different route.....30 gal refugium thats approx 65-75 gph and gravity return.......cost was around 50 bucks(not including ls....caulpera).....e-mail me if you want info on specifics
mine has worked out very nice on my 55 reef