How do I build a spray bar


Below is a picture of my return sprayer off of a bio ball wet/dry system. I would like to modify this to a piece of pipe with holes in it. I am not sure if this is a good idea, or how to do it. I need more current for my corals, but I don't want powerheads all over inside my tank. If a spray bar is a good idea what size pipe do I use , how many and how large of holes, how do I attach it to my return line, how do I keep water from back flowing(right now the fitting has a hole in it to do this), and do I glue all the pieces togeather or will this hurt my tank? Sorry for all the questions but I,m real new at most of this. Thanks for all the help in advance.


Active Member
Get a T junction for he end of the pipe then send two ends of pvc off of that. Seal up the ends(optional) and poke holes in the pipe on each end. Make sure you have enough holes so water doesn't back up if you do seal the ends. To get the size you need i think you just have to measure the diameter of the pipe.


Active Member
I like using the flexible loc-line and flared nozzles.
You and branch off of a common manifold pipe with these flex nozzles, and point them around different areas of the tank.
Very easy to make - and very flexible.
1/2" is normally good for smaller tanks/flows
3/4" works well for larger tanks/flows


I built mine entirely out of pvc. Just ran pipes over the sides of the tank with endcaps and drilled holes in the pipes. I have one in each corner that goes down nealy to the sand and one that goes horizontaly across the back glass. I have a STRONG pump tho as all the pipes have several 90 degree bends in em which would cause a loss in pressure. The bars can be sorta seen in this pic.


Active Member
Go to
type in the following search words
Flexible Ball Socket Joint Tubing & Accessories
Click on the Google Search button ...
You'll find what you're looking for Reb ;)

cool clown

Hey Broomer love your design. I have a few questions what size and brand of return pump do you use? Also (not trying to be a idiot) is this end just capped with a small hole drilled in it to prevent backflow or something else? Thanks a ton and once again love the plan. I am going to do this on my 180.


Active Member
cool clown
When I built this contraption - I was going to allow feeding it water with two different pumps ( shut off ball valves and only run one pump at a time ).
That plan went into the trashcan.
I have two pvc lines that run down to the sump.
I capped off left one.
I hooked the right one up to a Mag9.5
The capped one just sort of supports the thing as it rests on the outside back of the tank.
I capped off the right intank elbows too.
Then placed some pvc elbows on the left one, and can point it for surface water agitation. This left one is located "just at" the display tank water level - and breaks siphon immediately when the return pump is shut off.
Someday I'll redo it - been saying that for over a year now.
It works fine for now.
Maybe this pic will help ??


Active Member
Broomer, I am building something similar for my new tank. My question is do you get the same amount of flow coming out of all the outputs or does one have more than the others.


Active Member
Providing all of the outlet jet openings and piping is of the same diameter - then you'll get less waterflow out of the ones farthest from the pump.
Closest to the pump gives the most speed and flow.
Farther away - pressure begins dropping off and less flow.

cool clown

Broomer That awnsered all my questions about setup. You got a sweet tank. One day maybe I can fit in with the elite like you. :) I am going to run the same setup only larger (for a 180). Do you think I should run two mag 9.5's like you had planned (olny run both all time) or run one mag 12 or 18 My overflow is rated at 1400 G.P.H. and the top of the tank is 6 feet from the sump? Thanks for all your help and plans if any asks about my setup you get all the credit.:D


Active Member
cool clown
Tank size is a relative thing ... what one person thinks is a big tank may not be what someone else considers big.
From my perspective - setting up your 180 gallon tank - you're running with the Big Dogs now ! Nice !
Your tank is darn near 2-1/2 times the size of my 75. So I would have to look at things a little differently.
In my opinion - I like running two return pumps.
Although it may produce a little more heat - having two separate supplies to the tank gives me some backup protection - should one of the pumps fail. I can still run the tank on one pump until the other is repaired or replaced.
My tank's only 4 feet long, and the overflow takes up a good portion of the left back wall. That's why I run the bigger spraybar on the right side.
You've got a 6 foot long tank, with probably the same general sized overflow ( unless you have a drilled tank which is even better ). So you'll have a lot more room for the spraybar(s).
Personally I would consider running two spraybars - one on each side of the tank. Each being supplied by it's own return pump.
With your 6 foot of head - two Mag9.5's would be a nice combo using you 1400 gph overflow. I'd ball valve each discharge side of each pump for a little fine control.
Or if you prefer - going with one continuous spraybar with a single larger return pump would be a nice option too.
I can see advantages and disadvantages of going either way.
Whatever you do - you'll want to just feed the spraybar with one pump.
If you use two independant spraybars - use two pumps.
If you choose one longer spraybar - use one larger pump.
As I'm sure you know, you'll lose some flowrate when you start introducing a lot of elbows, turns and fittings into the scheme.
Are you planning a refugium with this 180 monster ?
( BTW - thanks for the complement ... you too murray BMF )

cool clown

Yes I am going to have a refugium its a 20 gallon and the sump is a little bigger (like 26 gallons with a wet/dry) I was going to use this plan that I also found here olny with two seperate tanks. The refugium I will have drilled for an owerflow. Thanks again for the help. I think I will go with two spray bars and two pumps.