How do i catch a coral banded shrimp??


New Member
get 3 feet of fishing line and a poland springs small plastic water bottle and a paperclip put a bunch of pin holes in water bottle and cut a small squar 3/4 they way off enough to just fit the shrimp in and bend inwards light a trap door.get a small peice of shrimp and impale it on the paper clip.then tie the clip to the fishing line .remove cap from bottle and put the clip wth the shrimp on it in the bottle about i inch in so the shrimp can see it.then pull all the fishing line out threw the bottle top and screw the cap on over the string to keep it in place and this help you lift the bottle out of youre tank cause it is connected to the bottle now.gently submerge bottler in tank filling it up with water and place it in the tank were the shrimp hangs out and wait till he goes in to eat it and pull the bottle out with the string".TA DA" shrimp on crabs and clowns and damsels .