How do I catch the lil fellar



I have a problem that I cannot find a thread on. I need to get my fish out of my reef tank to do hypo on them. HOW DO I CATCH THEM? I certainly can't do it with my net.


will they eat? if so ive caught fish with a gallon jar......... put food in it in the back and have a net big enough to cover the mouth. when they go in , and if they are hungry thery will , put the net over the top and lift it out


hope your creative.. you must be your in this hobby.. this worked for me and my brother on countless ocasions.. its his invention.. its the top of a 2 liter cut off turned around and ziptied back together. also the spout is cut off and a few holes punched to allow it to fill up.. put that fishes favorite food in tthere.. once in get it out fast! once they get out they dont go back.. i found tying fishing line to the front to lift it out helps.. also.. dont be a dumb a-- like me and yank it out excited you caught a fish and hold it above the lights.. the holes let the water in............... and out... so have a bucket ready to put the trap in as soon as you take it out.. and have your hypo tank ready too...



Active Member
This I DO NOT recommend for everyone. But it has worked for me over a 100 times with no harm to the fish and seems to be the quickest way, it takes about 5 seconds. However I am NOT responsible if something happens to your fish or anything else (or anyone else).
If you have a local fly fishing shop, you can get 20 size hooks. You can fit about 15 of them on a dime. Just VERY small hooks. MAKE SURE TO GET THE ONES THAT ARE BARBLESS!!! Then the fishing line is VERY hard to see. It is about 6 ounce test size. You tie the line around a broom handle and then try to thread it though the little bitty barbless hook. Back away from your tank and put whatever on the end that the thing eats. You may catch some of your other fish, but you can put them aside in a holding container. When they take the hook, just tug and you have about 15 seconds before the hook falls out (they shake it lose). MAKE SURE THAT THE HOOK is short or small enough where even if completely taken in, it cant reach the fish's eye. Like I said, literally I have caught about 400 fish this way and never had a single problem except for a 7 inch long melas angel that got stressed afterwards but did NOT die. As long as the hooks are barbless, they usually just fall right out. But do this at your own risk. Again I am not responsible if something happens at all.


why would you want to harm your fish? come on now.. are you going to make it so the fish is scared to eat?????? no offense i dont think i have ever called any one dumb... but that is retarded. jmo


Active Member
This works everytime and it's simple!!!!...Simply hang your fishnet in the tank, this is the only tricky part. You want the actual net part very close to the surface and in the spot where you feed the fish, the fish become used to seeing the net and will stop hiding after a few days leave the net in for maybe 3-4days, on day 5 when your feeding, just scoop them up, works everytime...



I appreciate all the ideas!!!
I think I will try the 2 liter bottle seems like the most fun.


Active Member
Thanks for your opinion Webster.
As usual, your ability to articulate is spectacular. If you don't have anything useful to add, may I? Your knowledge of the aquarium industry and living aquaria is just UNSURPASSED!!!
The fish doesn’t have nerve endings that run out to its lips (basically). So it doesn’t really feel it. Unless you hook it in the eye. Then it might hurt. Outside of that, the only fish that DID NOT eat 15 minutes later, was the Melas angel I was talking about. Usually they are annoyed that they lost the food when you pulled them out of the tank if anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by candycane
This I DO NOT recommend for everyone. But it has worked for me over a 100 times with no harm to the fish and seems to be the quickest way, it takes about 5 seconds. However I am NOT responsible if something happens to your fish or anything else (or anyone else).
If you have a local fly fishing shop, you can get 20 size hooks. You can fit about 15 of them on a dime. Just VERY small hooks. MAKE SURE TO GET THE ONES THAT ARE BARBLESS!!! Then the fishing line is VERY hard to see. It is about 6 ounce test size. You tie the line around a broom handle and then try to thread it though the little bitty barbless hook. Back away from your tank and put whatever on the end that the thing eats. You may catch some of your other fish, but you can put them aside in a holding container. When they take the hook, just tug and you have about 15 seconds before the hook falls out (they shake it lose). MAKE SURE THAT THE HOOK is short or small enough where even if completely taken in, it cant reach the fish's eye. Like I said, literally I have caught about 400 fish this way and never had a single problem except for a 7 inch long melas angel that got stressed afterwards but did NOT die. As long as the hooks are barbless, they usually just fall right out. But do this at your own risk. Again I am not responsible if something happens at all.

My father had to do this. With a three hundred gallon tank and three hundred and something pounds of live rock and a packed tank of coral, your options for fish removal is limited, very limited.
My father was able to catch the fish with no ill harm what so ever. Once the fish was removed from the display tank and placed in a hospital tank it was back to eating in no time.
It sounds cruel, but from what we could see and the reaction of the fish, the fish showed no signs of permanent damage or harm and to this day still swims with in the tank with no scars.
As long as the hooks are barb less, I myself don’t any true danger or permanent harm. One has to be careful and very diligent.


what are you 5? you suggest attacking these fish by tricking them when there eating.. one of the most difficult things for a fish in captivity.. only to yank them out by a hook.. many many fish starve in captivity... all your doing is increasing the odds of said tragidy... oh.. and very clever "webster" sorry i dont now or will ever have the time to worry about grammer or spelling on these forums... i have other things in life to worry about... why dont you call the good ole boys and invite them over to your house for a fishing extravagansa! use a trap.. dont hook your damn fish..


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishStix4u
ben let us know how you do.. if i come up with any other saine ideas ill pass them along..


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishStix4u
what are you 5? you suggest attacking these fish by tricking them when there eating.. one of the most difficult things for a fish in captivity.. only to yank them out by a hook.. many many fish starve in captivity... all your doing is increasing the odds of said tragidy... oh.. and very clever "webster" sorry i dont now or will ever have the time to worry about grammer or spelling on these forums... i have other things in life to worry about... why dont you call the good ole boys and invite them over to your house for a fishing extravagansa! use a trap.. dont hook your damn fish..

You are quite the aggressor on this thread let alone the message board.
I never said it was right. I clearly stated that it was done to remove a fish. Secondly, the fish ate once it was settled in and still eats.
Never did I say I recommend YOU or anyone else do this technique to remove your sick fish.
When push comes to shove and you have thousands of dollars and very little room to work with, taking a 300 gallon tank down is not an option for a coral beauty and seems kind of trivial.
It may not be any one else way, but it worked.
Now, since you seem to be so juvenile and quick to verbally attack other members due to a fact that you did not approve of a tactic used to remove a fish.
Hate to break this to you or anyone else. I’m from New Jersey and this is not a recently made up technique, its been done all over the country and is still done today. Most just want admit to doing it.
If you disagree with a person don’t attack them. Its ok to have a different opinion but voice your opinion and calm and adult manor. Verbal attacks just makes for bad boards and threads and surly will have a possibly good thread closed due to attacks on each other.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sharkbait9
You are quite the aggressor on this thread let alone the message board.
I never said it was right. I clearly stated that it was done to remove a fish. Secondly, the fish ate once it was settled in and still eats.
Never did I say I recommend YOU or anyone else do this technique to remove your sick fish.
When push comes to shove and you have thousands of dollars and very little room to work with, taking a 300 gallon tank down is not an option for a coral beauty and seems kind of trivial.
It may not be any one else way, but it worked.
Now, since you seem to be so juvenile and quick to verbally attack other members due to a fact that you did not approve of a tactic used to remove a fish.
Hate to break this to you or anyone else. I’m from New Jersey and this is not a recently made up technique, its been done all over the country and is still done today. Most just want admit to doing it.
If you disagree with a person don’t attack them. Its ok to have a different opinion but voice your opinion and calm and adult manor. Verbal attacks just makes for bad boards and threads and surly will have a possibly good thread closed due to attacks on each other.


any time any one hurts a living creature and possably hurts its ability to continue eating, or any thing it needs to live.. you will hear from me... life is precious and everything born has the right to live... you dont like it.... contact a moderator......


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishStix4u
any time any one hurts a living creature and possably hurts its ability to continue eating, or any thing it needs to live.. you will hear from me... life is precious and everything born has the right to live... you dont like it.... contact a moderator......
That’s fine, good for you and standing up for the voiceless or powerless. I think you should take the time to be a little better with your constructive criticism.
When you are placed in a situation that does not allow for socially accepted methods of removal and have two choices of either possible destruction of your whole system or a none accepted method of removal cause a fish trap won‘t fit or what ever reason, let us know. Not everyone will be as judgmental as you a few select others.
Why would anyone feel the need to get a “mod” involved?
Were big boys and girls. Only weak mined individuals need to seek out authority figures to help silence loud or none P.C members of a message board or outside life.


Active Member
LOL. Isn't that like the same thing twice? Either that or I hit my head with my dremmel last night.
Last time I checked, when I got my ear pierced, it didnt cause me to go deaf. Harpoon guns work quite well. Just the little ones with what looks almost like a cross bow. Try to load the mini

and get it right through the eye. POP
