How do I catch the lil fellar


Active Member
Why not just use the net in the tank idea that I posted? Works everytime, I had a 75g with about 150lb of LR and a devil of a Blue Damsel that I had to get out, took me two days of leaving the net hanging in the tank, 3rd day during feeding I simply scooped him out, took about 15 seconds. No LR to remove no hooks and no drama

my way

Active Member
The barbless hook is not a totally uncommon practice to catch a fish. So Fishstix, what is worse for the fish, to somewhat harmlessly catch it so it can be put in a QT tank and treated, or for it to stay in the tank and die from parasites?


Originally Posted by FishStix4u
any time any one hurts a living creature and possably hurts its ability to continue eating, or any thing it needs to live.. you will hear from me... life is precious and everything born has the right to live... you dont like it.... contact a moderator......
That’s commendable, but you have to look at the bigger picture. Some people have large tanks with large fish in them and the larger fish can’t be caught with a pop bottle cut in half. If a large fish in these tanks get sick, they become harder to catch as they are already jumpy from being sick. The aquarist is stuck with two decisions. They can either tear down their tank and risk losing other livestock, not to mention the time involved, to catch the fish. Or they can use a barbless fishing hook and be done in a few minutes. (If the fish takes the bait.)
If you chase a fish around a tank for hours, not only do you stress the fish your trying to catch, but you stress all the other fish in the tank. By using the fish hook method, the fish is only stressed for a few seconds, and it is no more harmful than trapping it in a bottle or a net. Your just viewing it as such.

Also, sometimes you have to take drastic measures at drastic times... Lets take real life for example. I’m a Fire Fighter and sometimes I have to make a decision to cause more pain to an individual if it means saving their life. If you stuck in a car crash and I have to decide between cutting off your foot that is entangled in the door so I can get you out to treat your not breathing due to a chest wound or leaving your foot alone and spending hours removing the metal slowly, I’m going to take the drastic measure and remover you foot as you can’t live long if you can’t breath. This is real life scenario though, not fishy...


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishRule
Also, sometimes you have to take drastic measures at drastic times... Lets take real life for example. I’m a Fire Fighter and sometimes I have to make a decision to cause more pain to an individual if it means saving their life. If you stuck in a car crash and I have to decide between cutting off your foot that is entangled in the door so I can get you out to treat your not breathing due to a chest wound or leaving your foot alone and spending hours removing the metal slowly, I’m going to take the drastic measure and remover you foot as you can’t live long if you can’t breath. This is real life scenario though, not fishy...

Life over limb, words to live by
. Drastic times call for drastic measures, risk the life of one to same many. Nothing left to say.


As a life long member of the "filet and release" program
, I have no problem with hooking a fish. Of course, if there is a less intrusive method, I would try it first with the fish in my tank. But, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Right now, my net is sitting in my tank. It has been there two days and the fish is starting to be unconcerned with it.
If this does not work, I will try the 2 litre bottle.
Next step, hook the lil fellar


well after reading all of this it really doesnt make sense to me, someone asks how to catch foul,right, opinions are made using different ways to catch fish...., then someone argues a method that seems to hurt the fish an really that person needs to re-evaluate their own method as to:" P.S. the red dot on the front of it... is damsel blood.. he took a hissy fit.." well last time I caught a fish in the sea, lake , bath tub....jk, it never bled unless you hook them in the eye like stated the moral of this story is to go play a first person shooter game before you post any negative comments