How do I clean old rocks to put in my tank?


I teach at a high school that used to have a salt water tank years ago. The live rock that was in the tank has been sitting for years in a 5 gallon bucket. It is kinda dirty and still full of salt. If possible, I would like to add this as base rock to my set-up. Is there a way to clean it up and make it safe to put in?
Beth ***)


Active Member
you can bleach it really good, then rinse really really good, and set in the sun for a day or so. if it still smells of bleach use a declorinatior on it. or you can boil it in a big pot on the stove. (done it) or I have heard of people baking it and rinsing really well.


Active Member
Bleach wont hurt it. Bleach is made from saltwater and then reverts back to salt water when in breaks down. I'm serious. Dont believe me? Call Clorox and ask one of their techs.