How do I feed fish frozen brine?


I've been thawing the brine shrimp cubes in tank water in a little cup. And then I feed my fish one teaspoon every 4 hours. I only have one fish so one cube last me two days.
For those of you who cut your brine shrimp, how do you do that? I tried it, it seems impossible.
And about the vitamins, a good thing to know. I'll try thawing it without water.


Active Member
I think what is being referred to about thawing in water is the denaturing of the proteins in the vitamins. I could do some more checking, but proteins, in genereal, are very strong and only break down under extreme heat and pressure. Which is a good think b/c we would be breaking down just walking around being our body temp is nearly 99 deg. I don't doubt that denaturing can occur, I just know it is a siginifanctly higher temp than our tank water is. So don't worry about thawing in the tank water, however I would be leary of nuking it though :)

sinner's girl

"I only have one fish so one cube last me two days." WOW, that's alot of food for one fish in two days... i must be underfeeding my fish. one cube last me with two fish alot longer then that...
"For those of you who cut your brine shrimp, how do you do that?" I simply use a knife and scrap some off, put the knife in the tank, let them eat, scrap some more, let them eat. lfs told us to use 1/8 of the cube for a 55gl, but that was before they knew we only had one fish.


Sinner's girl, really? It last you longer? How big is the cube? Probably we have different size of cubes? I mean, yes I only have one fish, but then there are other creatures to that eat, cleaner shrimp, and sometimes sally. I always thought when your fish can finish the food in one minute period you're ok. My fish eats a lot. I'm not sure about you underfeeding, I might be overfeeding. -to be continued-


Active Member
buy brine shrimp, mysis, Prime Reef, whatever ...
place in freezer until needed
plastic cup
tank water
thaw cube of food in tank water in cup
fill pipette with thawed food
point pipette at invert
squeeze bulb
squirt food
food lands on invert
invert eats food
fish eat all food missed by invert
repeat as neccessary
procedure may be used for fish only tank as well


New Member
I take a cup of very hot tap water filled to the top. On top of that I place one of those little sauces you get at a chinese resturant( you know the ones they put the duck sauce or hot mustard in)I put a cube in it an let it thaw. Takes about five minutes Then feed my fish. I do the same thing with prime reef I break a piece off and thaw.