how do I get my clowns to take to anenome

we just got a purple tip sabea anenome a week ago and our clowns dont even notice it. We spent all this money on lighting and such to give one a try but the clowns are not paying any attention. The anenome is beutiful but I wish the damn clowns would play in it!!! Is there any sugestions on getting them interested, or is it something that should have happened if it was. TIA!!!
oh yea 2 occelaris (sp.?) clowns...


Active Member
ours took awhile.....maybe month or more. We thought he never would. From what I hear, some never do. One night the lights were out on the tank and I was reading and I noticed a lot of activity. It was Bozo (kids named him) snuggling with the anemone. It was really weird because we didn't know what to expect. Now he always looks so comfortable rolling around in there. The kids love it when they catch him sleeping in there. He even will take a small piece of shrimp to it. :D
wow!!! so it can take that long huh??? well that gives us some hope. Anyone else have some input?? oh what kind of anenome do you have?? from the portland area (gray).
I guess ill just wait and hope they go to it. If not it looks awesome in there anyways.