how do i get my my computers BIOS?


Active Member
i thought it was f10 durring startup, but that gives me a message saynig starting flash recovery type y for yes and n for no? did i make it do that somehow,, how do i get back to my bios? i have windows xp home


Active Member
Darn, missed my chance to shine. It should have been either delete or the F1 key. Now if you want to update your bios then I can show you how to do that too.


Active Member
First, what is the make and model of your PC? If it is a custom built one, then you will want to get the motherboard make and model by opening up the case and looking for a name printed usually in white letters somewhere between the PCI slots(slots that should have cards in them where your video/sound/modem would connect from outside in the back of your PC.
Once we have that info it is a simple process, but you don't want to mess up. I can find your most up to date bios file for you and walk you though the "flash" process.


Active Member
This is the link to the file you need.
Floppy Disk Boot to Disk for 8200_A11.exe
1. Click Download Now, to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click Save (Windows XP users will click Save) this program to disk and click OK. The Save In:
window appears.
3. From the Save In: field, click the down arrow then click to
select Desktop and click Save. The file will download to your desktop.
4. If the Download Complete window appears, click Close. The file
icon appears on your desktop.
Hard Drive Floppy Disk Creation
1. Get 1 blank, formatted floppy disks.
2. Double-click the new icon (it looks like a floppy diskette) on
the desktop. The Self-Extractor window appears.
3. Click Setup. An black MS-DOS window appears with a message
indicating that you need 1 floppy diskettes.
4. Press the [ENTER] key.
A message appears prompting you to insert a blank floppy diskette.
5. Insert a floppy disk into the floppy disk drive.
6. Press the [ENTER] key. A message appears indicating that all
data on the disk will be erased.
7. Press the [y] key and then press the [ENTER] key.
The files are copied to the floppy diskette. If the procedure requires
more than one diskette, repeat steps 5 – 7 until you reach the end of the diskette set.
8. After all the files have been copied to the last floppy disk,
press the [ENTER] key and the MS-DOS window closes.
1. Insert the first (or the only) disk of the set into the Floppy
2. Click Start, click Shutdown, click Restart, and then click OK.
Windows XP Users need only click restart.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.


Active Member
Flashing the BIOS
Changing the system BIOS may result in unintended side affects, such as
incompatibility of the new BIOS with installed hardware. If problems arise
after a BIOS change, it may be necessary to return the system to the
original version of the BIOS.
If you are flashing the BIOS on a portable computer, be sure that
the AC adapter is plugged in and the computer is not operating on battery
Ensure that the Flash BIOS disk is inserted into the floppy disk
Click the Start button, click Shut Down, click
Restart, then click OK.
The computer will restart
and boot to the floppy disk.
If the flash BIOS program does not
start, and you see only an A: prompt, refer to the Readme.txt
instructions. Generally, you will type the name of the executable flash
BIOS. Example: 8100_A09.EXE for BIOS version A09.
The message Press any key to continue appears.
Press the <Enter> key.
The message Press "Y" to replace old
BIOS with new BIOS appears.
Press the <Y> key.
Do not interrupt the system during this process. Please refrain from
pressing any keys on the keyboard, moving the mouse, or interrupting power
to the system. Failure to do so could result in damage to the system BIOS.