How do I get rid of Brown Algae?


I have this brown algae that tales over my tank My tank is 55 gal. I have 4 damsels and 3 turbo snails but about every week I have to manually clean my tank
the salinity, amonia, ph, nitrates, nitrites, measure right on the mone. I have a Coralife Lunar Aqualight Compact Fluorescent Fixture, 4X65 Watt, 48 inch.
My tank is only a couple of months old and I havent bought any more fish because of the algae outbreaks
but I dont know what causes it?
any help please


Active Member
You might be over-feeding. Do you have a bunch of small feather-dusters popping up? These are usually an additional sign of over-feeding.


Active Member
What type of water are you using to do your top offs and water changes? Tap or RO/DI?


Active Member
If you want, you could get a Lawnmower Blenny. My tank had an algae outbreak and then I got a LMB and he took care of everthing. Only problem is that he ate all of it and starved to death. If you dont want to do that then you could get a larger cleanup crew. They would help with your problem.


I use tap but I put in this stuff called Amquel plus what would prevent the LMB from dying? and a larger CUC what do you suggest?


Active Member
Read through this thread. It's not exactly your problem but there is some good information there which will help you.
Next, you need to find a way to get better quality water. Tap water is high in phosphates and silicates which can add to the algae problem. Ideally you need to invest in an RO/DI system. If you can't then get "The Tap Water Filter" from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. I have found hermit crabs, snails and even urchins are good at keeping a tank clean. If your nitrates are within reason (less than 20ppm) then consider upping your cleanup crew.