This may sound rough, but I promise it's not...
Read, then read, then search the web for more reading. When you feel you're all done, you've just gotten started - read some more. Then come to this board and ask the thousand and one questions you'll have. Then you get to read.
I promise I'm not making fun of you or anyone. That is the way this hobby goes. Also, it's a 90% chance that you should NOT listen to your LFS and start setting everything up. Maroonclownfan has given you some great questions to start with. Start by trying to answer those questions as fully as possible while being informed, not just by what you think you want. This will lead you down the path of exploration that is necessary.
I don't know if you've reviewed the nitrogen cycle, but that 's another great place to start. IMO go with the shrimp thing. If you don't know what I mean search this board for "cycle" or "shrimp". There's plenty sitting around on the subject.
Lastly, you've started in a great direction. Asking first and asking people first is the best decision you could have made. Welcome to the board! Enjoy the SW experience, and ask any questions you have.