how do i get this damsel out of here?


is there a proven technique to remove an unwanted specimin? I have had it with this $3 damsel who keeps terrorizing and often killing my newbies. this critter if fast and smart. how do i outsmart him without destroying the inside of the tank in the process? no trap I set seems to work!


I can't tell you how to do it, but I overheard someone at the LFS who had the same question being told something about building a trap using a two litter bottle. Perhaps a search might find something along those lines.


Okay so I was bored so I searched around and found some first hand experiences that might help:
1) Soda bottle. Take a clear plastic soda bottle and cut the bottom out of it. Punch holes in opposite sides and tie a piece of fishing line between them that you will use as a handle. Put the bottle in the tank while holding the fishing line. Put some food in the bottle. Wait for the fish to make his way into the bottle then lift it up. He will try to swim down and will not escape. Sounds like the old stick-box-and-string trick to catch a rabbit.
2) Wait until late night/early morning and turn the lights on. The fish will be disoriented and if you act fast you will be able to net him before he realizes what's going on.
3) Feed flake food and have net ready at surface. When he starts eating you start netting. Some said they starved out their tank a few days to ensure he'd be hungry but others said they did it without starving out the fish.
I've never had need to do this so I can't tell you what else to try, but maybe one will work. I'm sure others would be interested in knowing what works best.
JFYI, I did a google search for 'bottle catch damsel' and found the forums with the ideas outlined above. Now if someone could just help me out with my lighting upgrade questions I'd be set!


Active Member
One of the dark little secrets the pet store does not tell you when they suggest buying those cheap little fish....
Buy a large fish net and suspend it in the water. Begin feeding in the net. After a week or so the damsel "may" become comfortable enough with the net to swim into it to feed.
You'll get one shot at this. After you chase a damsel with a net they don't forget...
Man i thought fish are dumb but man i have this Purple Pseudochromis that i want out of my tank. Last night i got the net out had one chance i blew when it snaged on a rock. Now ever time he sees the net he goes back into the rocks untill he cant see it any more. Almost tried a clear glass with food. He starting going in the saw me moving towards him and came right out. Now he knows what a cup is. Its a war game now! I gave up after a few hours. I move in feb so when i move the tank he has no place to hide then ( evil sounding HAHAHAHHAHAH.....)


thanks dinki!
i am going to try the bottle trick since #2 and #3 already failed.
will let you know if it works!


First time i returned her to the LFS for adoption. Since no one took her...even for free...I took her back and eventually converted a 55 to an "Aggressive" tank and moved her into it along with a snowflake and a pair of Clarkii.
The only way I could catch her was by constantly dividing the tank with acrylic partitions. 1st in half...then in half again...and again until she was away from the rock work. she was easy then!
But if all else fails there's always the 12 gauge!


I think it was somone on this fourm that said they got a fish hook with out a barb and caught their unwanted damsel with it


its good to know that after 30 yrs in this hobby...i am not mentally disabled for being stumped by this. i got the plastic bottle....i'm gonna get this damdamsel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by austin
I think it was somone on this fourm that said they got a fish hook with out a barb and caught their unwanted damsel with it
This may have been me, I always suggest this; but most people think its silly...until they try it. Tiny hook (hair hook, used to catch bait. Flatten the barb and bait with a bit of raw shrimp..after the little monster has been eating it for a day or two. A lfs called me several times, when I I lived in another state, to help them get unwanted fish out of customer's tanks (almost always damsels). I never failed, nor hurt a fish (much). I think this one of the most common questions on this forum. I suspect it is often the result of lfs selling damsels as "cycle starters".. I'll bet I've posted this reply 20 times; I'm going to copy & save it...I type very slowly. BTW, I never heard from anyone that tried this and failed, but have heard several success stories. IMO, it is no big deal on the fish, far less stressful ,(on the damsel AND tankmates),than tearing a tank apart.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Well, I'll let you read my thread - it speaks for itself:
Mission. Damsel has to go...
Boy, do I like that idea! I remember using "slurp guns" in the Fla. Keys; where I lived right after college ( a lifetime ago). I wonder if they're still around; lfs could loan or rent them found one.
I also love the idea of the over-size siphon to catch damsels I use a piece of this stuff to remove substrate--about 2 min for a 100 gal tank.


I have tried the 2 liter bottle and it did not even come close to working. I had to remove all my rock but I got the two out. They are very smart and fast that is for sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Boy, do I like that idea! I remember using "slurp guns" in the Fla. Keys; where I lived right after college ( a lifetime ago). I wonder if they're still around; lfs could loan or rent them found one.
I also love the idea of the over-size siphon to catch damsels I use a piece of this stuff to remove substrate--about 2 min for a 100 gal tank.
Cool idea - never tried this one. I did try the syphon trick too though. That damsel would not some out of the rockwork for anything. Even after leaving things in the tank for a week to let it adjust, it would not go near them. My

worked in about 2 minutes after hours upon hours of frustration. And I do have to admit - I may have enjoyed it too much