how do i get this damsel out of here?


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Boy, do I like that idea! I remember using "slurp guns" in the Fla. Keys; where I lived right after college ( a lifetime ago). I wonder if they're still around; lfs could loan or rent them found one.
I also love the idea of the over-size siphon to catch damsels I use a piece of this stuff to remove substrate--about 2 min for a 100 gal tank.

hehe, a $45 tool to get a $5 fish out of a tank...


patience, get two nets and corner it, thats how I caught my powder brown that my wife tryed to surprize me with by putting it in the reef with my powder blue and other tangs, I was two hours with my arms hanging over the edge of my tank, when he finally came into the net I hardly had enough curculation in my arms to swoop him up LOL
If that don't work your LFS should be able to lend you a trap and you just put some food in the bottom of the trap A finicky eater food something with garlic, than when the damsel goes in (and he may be in there with some other ones) close the lid with the line attached, and fish out the other's and put back in the tank than do what ever you feel like you should with the damsel.
Hope this helps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
hehe, a $45 tool to get a $5 fish out of a tank...
That's why lfs should loan them out; they're responsible for most of the little monsters ("cycle-starters') being problems in the 1st place. From some or the stories I've heard, $45 might be cheap; considering the time saved and the stress on the other fish--not to mention stress on the owner. Tiny depth charges might work too. I still like the modified fondue fork used by Hefner413. BTW, if considering "fishing" (no license required, except in Massachusetts) a size #22, or a "hair hook", sold in SW bait shops is about right. If you cant find hooks this small, just buy a tiny fly from a fishing shop and remove the hair & stuff--a light flame works well. This whole topic sounds so weird, but is very real to anyone who has had to get one of these devilfish out of a 240 gal reef tank; or any tank with lots of LR, etc.