How do I get water into a tank?


Hi All - this is my first tank ever & have researched online for several months- but I'm missing this peice? This seems like a dumb question to me, but haven't seen it come up... What is the best equipment to pump water either from a trashcan or 5 gal bucket up into the tank? I'm not a big fan of heavy lifting! It is a pump or powerhead or something that can pump the water through a tube to the tank? Thanks! :joy:


hmmm... well you could use either... a power head with some tubing ..or a submersible pump with tubing for either the 5 gallon bucket or the trash can just try not to stir up the sand too much when you do it.


if you are using a sump, and are filling for the first time, just rig up your sump pump, otherwise, find a big powerhead (like a 900gph or better) that can pump the head you need. ("head" is the height you need to lift the water to get it in the tank.)


Great, thanks guys - one more ?? I ordered 2 Maxi-jet 900's for this 55 gal tank - would it be practical to just pull 1 PH out and use it to pump in the new water for water changes - or just buy another one..... Wait
I just answered my own question - am I correct in saying it is recommended to airate and circulate your water (w/a PH of course) for a least 24-48 hrs, so it would make sense to just buy another one specifically for doing water changes..! Ahhh, sure ain't nothin' free in this hobby! :scared:


I have a magnum 350 convertible canister filter, meaning it sits on the floor separate from the tank. It is VERY USEFUL for using it to pump water out of the tank, but you definately want to be careful as to the water you put INTO the tank. Use a r/o system if u have it, as i understand this is best for tap water. It removes unwanted dissolved metals that will accumulate in concentration if you keep using the same old tap water for filling and water changes. The dissolved metals in the water DO NOT evaporate and need to be removed using a reverse osmosis (ro) system. I got mine from Home Depot for $150 and it is a "10 gallon per day" system. It will take me some time to finally fill my tank, but once it is full, I can be assured that any problems from my system are NOT because I used regular tap water!
What do you plan on having in the tank??


Hey, thanks Ecoman - I am filling up my first tank with distilled water actually. I don't even like to shower in my own tap water!
lol My house has very hard water and many traces of coppers, metal in it. I am afraid to even buy an R/O machine, as some things may end up in my tank eventually... I'll have to research more on some R/O brands and just how good they can get the gunk out. This will be my first SW and 1st tank period... I have spent about 6 months reading & researching on the net & think I can do it. It will be a 55 gal FOWLR to start, 50 lbs LR, 100 lbs LS and a few low maintenance fishies/inverts. This is assuming I can maintain the LR & LS for a least 3-4 months!
**Here's my equip list: >I do know I should have had the tank drilled & sumped it - but will save that for a monster tank if in fact I get addicted to this hobby which is a distinct possiblity! ** Anything I'm missing?
55 gal long
Aqua C remora skimmer
Emp. 400 filter/biowheel
3 Maxi-jet powerheads - 1 for water changes
250W heater, refractometer, dig. thermometer, salifert testing kit, instant ocean salt
no lights or hood yet- just starting research.. also setting up a QT for backup


distilling doesnt remove the dissolved metals. do a quick water test on it and see whats left in there. Fish only you can get away with it, but if you ever plan on having coral, go with ro. the metals can be very damaging to the coral after a period of time from what i hear.


Would it be ok to use my canister filter to pump the new water into the tank also. I have a canister on my 55. I don't have a sump. I was thinking that I could turn off my canister, move the intake to the bucket with new water and pump it into my tank. Does anyone see why this would be a problem?


The only thing i see a problem with is how fast you are adding the water in, I do the lifting so i can control the water flow, takes me an hourish to put 5 gals into my tank!
But then again i am told i make a Process out of everything !


Originally Posted by ecoman
distilling doesnt remove the dissolved metals. do a quick water test on it and see whats left in there. Fish only you can get away with it, but if you ever plan on having coral, go with ro. the metals can be very damaging to the coral after a period of time from what i hear.
Actually, I do believe distilling does remove the metals since distilled water is actually the evaporated water, minus the metals left behind. Metals will not evaporate with the water when it is distilled, so distilled water is actually the purest kind I would think.


I have MJ 900's and tried using one to pump water back into the tank from a 5 gal bucket. It did not work, not enough pump. I am now using a Mag 3 which works great.