How do I install a refugium?


I have a 125gal tank with a 40gal sump. (My protein skimmer sits in my sump.) I have a 29 gal tank that I would like to set up as a refugium. I am not familiar with how to connect them. Does anyone know of any good sites? Pictures are helpful. What kind of lighting do they need? As you can tell I know very little about them.


do a search on this message board. there is a lot of helpful information. there are a few different options to setting up a refugium.

bang guy

Were you planning to have the refugium above the tank or in your stand?
When I had a smaller refugium I just "T"d off the overflow going to the sump and set it up so a small amount of water was going into the refuge. The Refuge then drained into the sump. Is the 29 drilled at all?


I was not planning on puttting it above my main tank. I have been reading other posts and I was thinking that I could locate it above my sump. My thought was that I could tap into my return line but I don't know how to return the water to my tank unless I return it to the sump. I also have a UV sterilizer located after the pump in my return line. My thought was that I should put everything after that.? My 29 gal does not have any holes. It has a glass top with a strip light. It was used to house my sisters pond fish last year. She was going to dump the thing.
I plumbed everything to go through a wall and into my workroom so that I have no equipment under my stand. Water flows into the sump (with my skimmer) then out, through my sterilizer, and then into the tank.

david s

geting the water to the fuge is not a problem either a small powerhead or tee off your return line to sump you dont want alot of water flow the problem is geting water to overflow to sump you have 3 options I think. a overflow box (kinda expensive for a fuge) get tank drilled (still 50 to 75 bucs) or this is what I would do, take one of the sides of glass out of tank go to hd and get a piece of plexi glass same size A 3/4inch bulkhead fitting and a tube of 100% silicone. silicone the plexi in were the glass was then drill a whole near the top of it put the bulkhead in then plumb it to drain to your sump and you have a fuge
ps the fuge has to be about 2 inches higher than sump ontop so water will flow thru your bulkhead fitting to the sump

bang guy


Originally posted by David S
take one of the sides of glass out of tank go to hd and get a piece of plexi glass same size

Man, that's brilliant. Now that it's out there it sounds obvious but I've never thought of anything like that. Thank you for the excellent idea. I use Plastic tubs just for that reason (easy to drill).
I think you should take your UV completely off line. What good is raising all those pods if you're just going to kill them later.
To return the water from your refugium just have it dump into the sump.


Thanks for the info. I never considered turning off my UV sterilizer. I was hoping that I could bi-pass the thing. I probably have false security with it on but I've had it since I set up my tank. I may never know if it has made a difference or not. They say, "If it's not broke, don't fix it."


Hey spyder, if you are set on using the 29 gallon tank for the 'fuge then you've been givin' some great ideas...
Another thought though.... if you are setting your 'fuge on top of the can just use a plastic/acrylic tub or container of the proper size, braces across sump to set said tub on, then you get a toilet overflow tube. This is the fitting in your toilet tank, know what I mean?... They have PVC ones at Home Depot for less than five bucks, drill the hole in the bottom of tub, install overflow, cut overflow tube (or add to length) to desired depth of water in 'fuge, tee off sump return for water supply and Tada!


As my 3 yr old would say super cool. I like it!!!
You are right. Thanks everyone for your input. I will let you know what I do.