How do i keep corals from falling?


New Member
Hey guys quick question for you I bough a bunch of frags from the LFS and my snails keep knocking them over. What is the best way to avoid this? Do I just use glue to make them stick and if I do what kind?


Originally Posted by ac408
Hey guys quick question for you I bough a bunch of frags from the LFS and my snails keep knocking them over. What is the best way to avoid this? Do I just use glue to make them stick and if I do what kind?
Super glue gel works for most people
also aqua mend from the hardware store


Active Member
I'm on at least my 3rd tube of epoxy and about 6 small tubes of superglue gel and I dont even have alot of corals. I use dollar store superglue gel to glue corals on plugs/rocks/shells outside the tank and aquarium systems holdfast epoxy to mount plugs are larger corals in the tank. I tried D&D and while it looks a little better dry but turns unto mud and clouds the whole tank which holdfast does not do.


Well-Known Member
This works good and it is at least fishy safe...I ordered it online...I didn't trust just regular stuff I buy from the store, I felt more secure with something declared safe for fish tanks.



Active Member
Super glue is all pretty much the same (cyanoacrylate) regardless of source.
Just has to be the gel - the thin stuff will just run off in water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower
This works good and it is at least fishy safe...I ordered it online...I didn't trust just regular stuff I buy from the store, I felt more secure with something declared safe for fish tanks.
ethyl cyanoacrylate gel = superglue gel. the only difference is mine cost 99 cents for a three pack at dollar tree. its lack of contact toxicity (for people or fishy) is why its such a popular adhesive. dentist even use cyanoacrylate adhesives.