How do I keep my brain green coral alive?


New Member
I have a green brain coral that is loosing its color from the top to the base slowly. What do I need to do to keep it alive. My water is good but I may not have enough current. My lighting is good. Im just not sure how to feed it
and if my reef safe small tiny hermit crabs that climb all over it are eating it or if they are eating the algae. I do have an algae problem. :help:


Active Member
I feed My brains (Closed and open) little pieces of shrimp along with marine snow.photoplankton ect


New Member
i dont understand how I would feed my brain shrimp. its not the big brains, its the little small brains all growing together on one rock. i think its an lavia or some name with an L in it. Its not the open or closed brain coral. :notsure:


I keep my favia med high. I dont think they require super lighting. They seem to feed off the water column, I do not feed mine directly. Carrie


Active Member
Originally Posted by relaxn79
i dont understand how I would feed my brain shrimp. its not the big brains, its the little small brains :notsure:

Sorry that just sounded hilarious - I am having the same trouble with my Favia. I just got it yesterday and I didn't see that some of it is dying off. I can't get anyone to tell me how I can help it either, maybe no one knows
I would like to save mine too. Good luck -if I found out anything helpful I will let you know and please do the same for me


New Member
i honestly think I need better water circulation, i have a stupid yellowpeel that picks at it also and Im not sure if that is hurting it., Its really hard to figure out because they have suck slow matabelizm or what ever.


Check your alkalinity, Calcium, and Iodine levels. When mine get low, all of my corals tend to begin to disolve.
What lighting do you have? Brain corals will not need direct feeding if supplied with enough light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by relaxn79
i dont understand how I would feed my brain shrimp. its not the big brains, its the little small brains all growing together on one rock. i think its an lavia or some name with an L in it. Its not the open or closed brain coral. :notsure:
A healthy brain will extend tentacles. Feed your fish with your usual routine, which I assume includes Mysis, Brine, etc. Wait about 10 minutes, and return to the tank. The brain will have detected the food in the water and extended a border of tentacles around it's mouth. Using feeder tongs like a Hagen Multi-Tool, etc, grab a small hunk frozen mysis or brine and place them on the tentacles. The meat will stick and he'll slowly take it in. It's really cool to watch.


New Member
See, its not the big open or closed brain. Its more of a favites as shown on this site. I think it is actually a different brain but it has features like a favites. It is small enough that I can not feed it with thongs. I think its already dead. It gets worse every day and I never see any tenticles come out. It really sucks. :mad: