How do I kill the algae????


My tank has been up for about 3 months now.... I have 2 Green Chromis. I have a protein skimmer, a bio-wheel, and my lights are 220W PC (110W Actinic). The algae will not go away, and I use RO water. How do I kill the stuff? Also, how do I get my nitrates down? They have been off the scaled for the past 2 months, even though I have done numerous water changes etc. Please help!!!


what kind of algae is it ? sometimes they're are goood algae and bad.


All kinds. Cyano.... Tons of Green algae as well. It's like a rainbow... I have black, blue, green, purple, red. Yeech.


How much water flow do you have in the tank. Algea tend to grow replily when there is low flow areas. I would test you ro water as well . What is your phosphate levels?I think so of what your seeing may be good algea for all in not bad and your tank is new and you will see alot of changes.


Active Member
First thing is to check your RO water? Do you buy it or do you own your own unit. Test it for Nitrates and phosphates.
Second is to cut your light period down, at least in half until you get the algae in control.
Nitrates will always be a problem unless you have some way to process them, a refugium with macro algae is the best way IMO.


I think the big problem is the nitrates. The algae will be much easier to control once it doesn't have all the nutrients to feed off of. In addition to what Birdy said, see if you can't cut down on waste sources. 2 chromis don't eat much so you may be adding too much food. Cut down the amount, and try only feeding them every other day (it won't hurt them). Do you have a clean-up crew to take care of the food they don't eat? Is the bio-wheel clean? If stuff is trapped in there, it is going to become a nitrate factory. The protein skimmer is probably fine, but make sure it isn't full.


Well, it's been nearly 2 months since the start of this thread. I still have a slight algae problem... but it is getting better. My nitrates have FINALLY come down to reasonable levels, after being over 140 for most of July and August. Does anyone have any ideas how my Green Chromis survived that? :notsure:
Anyway, nitrates are down towards 10-20, and I just got 2 clownfish about a week ago! :joy: They are amazing... so cute!
Is using RO water and doing 10% water changes weekly enough to keep my nitrates down?
Thanks, Nikolai

bud green

nikolai -
what did you do to get your nitrates down? i've done everything and they are still killing me.
does anybody know if any of those phosphate chemical additives help deplete the nitrate counts? if so, what are they?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nikolai
I just waited a couple of months.... now I do frequent water changes.
of doing what???