how do i make more algae grow?????


my cleaning crew is doing too good of a job and i dont want my lawnmower blenny to starve... so how do i make more algae grow on my live rock?


Increase the duration that your lighting is on, that's the first thing that comes to mind...second is probably increasing your phosphates levels.


When I 1st started this hobby I was having to clean my glass like every 2 days. I couldn't figure it out till I got a decent test kit. My Calcium lvl was over 700. So add kallwasser to the tank plus leave your lights on for an extra hour or two. You could also place on of those algae sheets in your tank on a clip.


Here's what i learned....and I am a newbie too, but this was a big mistake...the pet store 'know it all' told me to stick these little algae tablet to the wall of the aquarium, as I have a non flake eating tang and needed algae, they didn't have the pads. I got the tablets, they are called Nibblers...well all the fish eat them....but not the tang. Go with the sheets, or pads. I'm still waiting for mine to come in. At the rate I'm going it would be better to open my own 'pet supply store' I'd be losing less $$$ on all my screw ups. This site should be a requirment to anyone doing fish.......seriously, It would have saved me a LOT of money. Also, those nibblers....I guess a nice occasional treat for the fish...they are messy and you have to watch it as the fish will overeat. I have the brown algae, was told it would develop into the green. Still waiting.


Maybe get rid of a few members of your crew for a while and leave your lights on a coulple more hours a day should do it.


i have lights on pretty much all day... i keep the normal white light on from around 11 to 8 and then i put on the blue anticic till about 3 am, then i put my lunar lights on.

salty cheese

Active Member

Originally posted by agoutihead
i dont want my lawnmower blenny to starve

Sell it, trade it, or give it away. IMO the last thing a person in this hobby wants to do is create bad water conditions just to fulfill the dietary requirements of one inhabitant in the tank.


my water conditions arent bad at all, i mean the lmb, really works his tail off! i just want to make sure hes able to get enough food. i guess as long as i see even a thin layer of alage thats good enough isnt it?