How do I make my 46 gallon tank reef ready


Active Member
hmm as far as I know...that should handle soft corals and mushrooms and the likes...not really sure off hand, I am a n00b at reef..I have always had FOWLR...started the reef about 3 months ago...I had a 2x96 Orbit and had shrooms and poylps and things and they were good...Got my HQI and they got better...I think that will work...I would ask Acrylic or ophi..or some of the exp. reefers..


Originally Posted by NigerBang
hmm as far as I know...that should handle soft corals and mushrooms and the likes...not really sure off hand, I am a n00b at reef..I have always had FOWLR...started the reef about 3 months ago...I had a 2x96 Orbit and had shrooms and poylps and things and they were good...Got my HQI and they got better...I think that will work...I would ask Acrylic or ophi..or some of the exp. reefers..
Ok Thanks


Active Member
A UV certainly, IMO, is not necessary and is not the best use of the funds. Additionally, it must be fairly precisely plumbed into the system. It will not prevent issues caused by stress or the failure to properly maintain the system, so I would ask what it is you hope to accomplish with it. It does not, IMO, replace good QT practices. I would personally spend the money elsewhere. I don't care for them in a reef - they have nothing to do with crashing the system (or any system) because the bacteria in the water column are not your biological filter. However in a reef tank you may get pods and various manner of other things in the water that are food for a reef, and they would be killed.
Disease, IMO, can be prevented in other ways.


Originally Posted by ophiura
A UV certainly, IMO, is not necessary and is not the best use of the funds. Additionally, it must be fairly precisely plumbed into the system. It will not prevent issues caused by stress or the failure to properly maintain the system, so I would ask what it is you hope to accomplish with it. It does not, IMO, replace good QT practices. I would personally spend the money elsewhere. I don't care for them in a reef - they have nothing to do with crashing the system (or any system) because the bacteria in the water column are not your biological filter. However in a reef tank you may get pods and various manner of other things in the water that are food for a reef, and they would be killed.
Disease, IMO, can be prevented in other ways.
Ok I'm more concerned about proper lighting. Will the lighting I have now be adequate?


Active Member
The lighting you have will probably be OK for some soft corals, mushrooms, zoanthids, etc. Perhaps some of the hardier LPS. Many months down the road after setup though :)


Originally Posted by ophiura
The lighting you have will probably be OK for some soft corals, mushrooms, zoanthids, etc. Perhaps some of the hardier LPS. Many months down the road after setup though :)
ok thanks for your help


How long should I wait before adding corals? And what else should I put in the tank besides the LR and sand for start up?


My first reef tank was/is a 46 bow. It's a nice tank, with good viewing/ aquascaping options. I have 2 96w pc lights (3') on the tank ahd they do a nice job on almost all Soft and LPS corals. I had just about every kind you can have by now.
On my 46 I have a hang-on overflow with a 20 gal sump underneath. The sump cantains my protien skimmer and a heater. I also keep a heater in the tank which provide redundancy in case one fails. They are set 2 degrees apart.
I agree with the majority of response. Live sand is a much better choice than Crushed Coral. I consider my original selection of CC one of my bigger mistakes. You definitely do not need UV sterilizer. It is a nice to have, definitely not necessary. I do not own one and have never used on in any of my several tanks (all of which are doing just fine).
The 46 bow does present a couple of challenges:
The first is getting good strong, random current to prevent detritus build up on the botton and tp provide nutrition to your corals. The shape of the tank makes it a challenge getting enough flow without disturbing your sand. Definitely do-able though. I know several folks who solved this by not using a substrate with excellent result... it's just not for me, I like sand.
The second challenge is lighting. This is a relatively deep tank and you'll want to aquascape your live rock so your lights can do their best to feed and highlight your corals. The other lighting concern is related to bulb life. Keep an eye on your corals. My experience with PCs dictates bulb changes around 7 months. Because of the depth of your tank your bulbs effectiveness at depth will weaken before the published 'life end' of your bulbs.
You should put the live rock, sand and water in your tank (with powerheads, heaters, etc) and let it cycle completely. Make sure the nitrogen cycle is 100% complete, do some water changes and then slowly start adding livestock. One small fish, then another. Each addition will touch off a minnie cycle at first. After you've have a couple fish and the tanks has completeted a couple of minnie cycles get a cleaning crew in there (crabs, snails, etc) and enjoy. After the initial bouts with algae and other 'new tank' issues are over you can start thinking about your first coral.
Hope you have just as much luck with your 46 as I've had with mine. If you do you'll soon be wanting the 92g corner bow, which just happens to be my other reef tank.


Thanks for your help. We have a 55 gallon we started a little while back it was 1st a 30 gallon but we decided go with the 55 gallon instead. Due to just losing our Grandson suddenly on Aug 3rd at 11 months of age with no sign of sickness at all. We started the tanks for him right before he died. His face would light up when he saw all the fish. We would take him to lfs and all he wanted to do was touch the fishy's.
That was our special time we had with him. So In memory of Tyler, myself and his Grandfather we are determined to have the set ups for him. The one 55 gallon is in our bedroom because he would go to sleep there when he was over. And the 46 and the other 55 they are in our living room. The 46 is set up with fresh right now the 55 is new and will be the contents of the 46 Angels Discus etc. The 46 was what the baby always saw. His finger prints are still on the stand from him standing up and looking at his fishy's. Anyway that is why it is so important that I get the right info so the tanks we have will be perfect. Right now the 55 has about 20 lbs of live rock some crabs a chocolate chip star a spider star. One of the pieces of lr has some soft corals. I have no idea what it is 3 different kind s and it also has featherdusters as well. We are using a canister filter but changing over today to a wet dry filter with protein skimmer. I figure I would let it run for a couple weeks to see if goes thru another cycle then hopefully add fish. The 46 I want it to be a reef tank. I'm in no hurry I just want it to be perfect.